3378 examples of comrade in sentences

Well, I will be your comrade.

No more do they have a comrade.

Koltchak and his gallant comrade Denikin had served the Entente purpose.

He seemed cordial, kind, good-humoured enough, but his tone was that of man to man, brother officer to comrade, not of a lover to his mistress, a husband to his lately-married wife.

" Another comrade near by related the story as told by a cavalry lieutenant, who with a party reconnoitered a distance from camp.

A comrade of the Seventeenth Infantry gave his testimony.

The stubborn spearmen still made good Their dark impenetrable wood, Each stepping where his comrade stood The instant that he fell.

Each soldier had his "covering man,"a comrade stationed about ten feet behind him, whose duty it was to keep his own piece charged ready to kill any of the enemy who might attempt to pick off the leading man while the latter was loading.

The wounded comrade of our friends had been struck by a ball, which had not been readied by the probe, and was supposed to have entered the lung.

His lieutenant-colonel was there, gravely wounded; his college-friend and comrade in arms, a son of the house, was there, injured in a similar way; another soldier, brother of the last, was there, prostrate with fever.

He had not work enough to do; and his mode of life encouraged an excess of egoism: but he bore all the necessary retribution of this in his latter years; and the whole career leaves an impression of an airy freedom and a natural course of contemplation, combined with social interest and action, more healthy than the existence of either the delinquent or the exemplary comrade with whom he was associated in the public view.

It is because these things are universally known,because he was seen staggering in the road, and spoken of by drivers and lax artisans as an alehouse comrade, that I speak of him here, in order that I may testify how he was beloved and cherished by the best people in his neighborhood.

She put her arm about her new comrade's waist, convinced that they were now intimates of long standing.

Before the stranger came into his life, he had drifted along in his accustomed place, more unreasoning than an intelligent dog; but the hand of a human comrade had been laid in his, and it had awakened his humanity; and now as he sweeps he thinksabout the strangerwonders where he has gone to, and how he died.

Tayoga, the young Onondaga, looked at his comrade and he understood.

Robert recognized De Courcelles and near him Jumonville, his invariable comrade, and a little farther on a handsome and gallant young face.

The hunter rejoined: "Then it is agreed," and the Onondaga said: "If our comrade thinks so too."

It seemed to Robert that his young comrade stared unwinking for a long time into the eye of the Sun God, though perhaps it was only a few seconds.

He has told me how they roamed the mountains hand in hand in their hunts; how she was comrade and chum when he went prospecting.

But remember, John Aldousthe world had come to hold but one friend and comrade for me, and he was my father.

It was indeed Lindsay, my old comrade, promoted to a sergeantcy.

He in short, it seemed to me, could not forget that, in speaking to me, although an old comrade, he was speaking to a convicted felon.

It was Houseen Abdelkader, the caid's son, the comrade of long agoHouseen in silk of wine and silver, hyacinths pendent on his cheeks, a light of festival in his eyes.

He saw a savage grin on the man's face as he raised his rifle again to finish the job and avenge his comrade.

A few minutes sufficed to disentomb the skeleton, for the men sympathized with their young comrade, and worked with all their energies.

3378 examples of  comrade  in sentences