Do we say conceive or perceive

conceive 2470 occurrences

Her direct and honest nature could conceive of nothing less than this which could explain his conduct.

"I can't conceive of God's being happy if nobody loved him.

But it will be some sublime wonders of which we cannot now conceive, and which in time will pass away for other wonders and novelties, until the great circle is completed; and all human experiments shall verify the moral wisdom of the eternal revelation.

Exclusive of these three, I can conceive of no alternative.

Let me add, that though I have prescribed the age of ten years, as the most eligible for the commencement of classical education, I conceive there would be no impropriety in taking up the modern language so early as nine.

When Cissie Dildine returned from jail, she and her mother arranged the Dildine-Siner wedding as nearly according to white standards in similar circumstances as they could conceive.

I bought these, not because it was difficult to conceive how the unhappy victims of this execrable trade were confined, but to show the fact that they were so.

He was at a loss to conceive how private interest should not always restrain the master of the slave from abusing him.

Can we conceive that Rubens painted the "Dead Jesus" without sobs and tears? I had seen acres of paintings in the Kensington Museum in London, in the Louvre in Paris and in Palais de Versailles; but it was reserved for me to see the paintings of Rubens and of Van Dyck last, so that I might know their merit.

Heaven forbid it I Should ere conceive the meanest thought of ill Of you, my parent.

But I doe scarce Credit my hearing, or conceive I am Mortall, for surely, had I bin, your words Like the decree of heaven had struck me dead.

She did not know what he ought to have done; she made no attempt to conceive what he ought to have done.

Your acquiescence in that sentiment indicates the profound sympathy of the people of the United States for the people of Hungary, manifested in the person of their great chief; and I can conceive of no duty that would be more acceptable to the gallant officers of the navy of the United States except one, and that is, to strike a blow for liberty themselves in a just cause, approved by our Government.

You little conceive how valuable to us it would have been, if your Envoy, who came to inquire and report, during our struggle, had been authorized to recognize the legitimacy of our cause and of our proceeding.

sucking out the lifeblood of the people, crushing the spirit of freedom by soldiers, hangmen, policemen, and harassing the people in its domestic life and the sanctuary of its family with oppression worse than a free American can conceive.

No greater misfortune could be met with than disappointment in such expectations, which we have been by the strongest possible motives encouraged to conceive.

Their names unfortunately are lost; but I conceive they must have been Quintus Burkius and Publius Harius.

Such stages, they conceive, are found in the several meals which Providence has stationed at due intervals through the day, whenever the perverseness of man does not break the chain, or derange the order of succession.

So Siracides himself speaks as much as may be for and against women, so doth almost every philosopher plead pro and con, every poet thus argues the case (though what cares vulgus nominum what they say?): so can I conceive peradventure, and so canst thou: when all is said, yet since some be good, some bad, let's put it to the venture.

[6063]"She would have another matter mended much rather, which he did not conceive was corrupt:" thus he continued at his study late,

I cannot conceive a more beautiful synopsis of a work on the Prophecies of the Old Testament, than is given in this Recapitulation.

* "We conceive that it is our duty, and we rejoice that it is in our power, to extend a portion of that freedom to others which has been extended to us.

" Mr. Scott of Pennsylvania: "I cannot, for my part, conceive how any person can be said to acquire a property in another.

* * * * * * * I conceive the constitution in this particular was formed in order that the Government, whilst it was restrained from laying a total prohibition, might be able to give some testimony of the sense of America, with respect to the African trade.

" This inquiry shows how difficult it is for southern minds, accustomed as they have ever been to identify labor with slavery, to conceive the true character and position of such "classes" at the North; and also how ignorant they are of the composition of our Anti-Slavery societies.

perceive 3280 occurrences

On reading it I perceive that it should have reached me two days ago, and that the date has been skilfully altered from the thirteenth to the fifteenth.

But if we look closely at the printed slip itself we perceive something still more remarkable; for that slip has been cut down to fit the label, and has been cut with a pair of scissors.

" "As a matter of fact, I don't see," said I. "You will think me an awful blockhead, but I don't perceive anything singular in a cigar manufacturer sending a sample cigar.

The Green Cottage, you perceive, had double right to its appellation.

"That's the howl!" They began to perceive the joke outside.

" The new performer, you perceive, was an actor with a title.

Though in a note Martineau concedes that his words may somewhat strongly accentuate the common opinion, he represents Unitarians as virtually saying, 'If we could find the doctrines of the Trinity and the Atonement, and everlasting torments in the Scriptures, we should believe them; we reject them, not because we deem them unreasonable, but because we perceive them to be unscriptural.

"Where is she?" asked the foremost, for in the gloom of the place she could not perceive anything.

"I don't perceive any effect that it has upon you or me," she said; "And as for the young people, 'Handsome is as handsome does.'

It is true, I am not a rose; but you will perceive from my perfume that I have been among the roses.

I had not spoken to anyone for a fortnightI mean I had no conversation with anyoneand my loneliness helped me to perceive the loneliness of the wood, and the absence of birds made me feel it.

A final and formal termination of the distressing war which has ravaged our Northwestern frontier will be an event which must afford a satisfaction proportionate to the anxiety with which it has long been sought, and in the adjustment of the terms we perceive the true policy of making them satisfactory to the Indians as well as to the United States as the best basis of a durable tranquillity.

By the letter of the judges of the circuit court of the United States, held at Boston in June last, and the inclosed application of the underkeeper of the jail at that place, of which copies are herewith transmitted, Congress will perceive the necessity of making a suitable provision for the maintenance of prisoners committed to the jails of the several States under the authority of the United States.

The day broke, before I had completed the opening, and in ten minutes more the keepers would probably enter my apartment, and perceive the devastation I had left.

I climbed a small eminence, and could perceive, not very remote in the distance, a few cottages thinly scattered.

do not strip me of the comforts I still possess!" While I uttered this apostrophe, the unpremeditated eloquence of sentiment, I could perceive by their gestures, though the day had not yet begun to dawn, that the feelings of one or two of the company appeared to take my part.

"Thou knowest me then, I perceive, O Jochonan, son of Ben-David," said the Prince of the Mazikin; "I am a Demon who would tempt thee to destruction.

You are, I perceive, too sensible of the folly to render it necessary.

My mother fixed her gaze on me, wondering at my excited mannerwondering who I could be; all unconscious, as I could perceive by her vacant though earnest look, that I was her son-

In the meantime, the party were rapidly approaching me, and were now so near, that I could perceive the sergeant to be a tall and handsome young man of about two or three and twenty.

I think I perceive Nelly looking out of the window for us.

Lucy did not perceive him until he was within a few steps of her, when she gave a shrill cry of surprise, and ran to the other side of a flower-bed too wide for him to spring across.

It is some seventy feet high, gray and reverend, but in excellent repair, though I could not perceive that anything had been done to renovate it.

Upon one point Louis XIII greatly resembled his mother; with all his arrogance and love of power, he possessed no innate strength of purpose, and constantly required extraneous support; but it was already easy for those about him to perceive that fear alone continued to link him with the once all-powerful favourite.

7. To such, corresponds that; with, a finite verb following, to express a consequence: as, "The difference is such that all will perceive it.

Do we say   conceive   or  perceive