Do we say conches or conchs

conches 54 occurrences

In his "Nouveau Lundi," March 5th, 1866, M. Sainte-Beuve challenged M. Feuillet de Conches to a more explicit defense of the authenticity of his collection than he had yet vouchsafed; complaining, with some reason, that his delay in answering the charges brought against it "was the more vexatious because his collection was only attacked in part, and in many points remained solid and valuable."

And this challenge elicited from M.F. de Conches a very elaborate explanation of the sources from which he procured his documents, which he published in the Revue des Deux Mondes, July 15th, 1866, and afterward in the Preface to his fourth volume.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 162.

"Le duc déclarait de son côté à Mr. Elliott que ... si la reine l'eût mieux traité il eut peut-être mieux fait."Chambrier, i., p.519 Sophie Hélène Béatrix, born July 9th, 1786, died June 9th, 1787, F. de Conches, i. p. 195.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 205.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 214. Ibid., p. 217.

[10] Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 240. CHAPTER XXV. "Mémoires de la Princesse de Lamballe," i., p. 342.

F. de Conches, p. 264.

Feuillet de Conches, iii., p. 229.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 315.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 345.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 352.

Marie Antoinette to Mercy, Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 355. Ibid., i., p. 365.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p, 376.

Mercy to Marie Antoinette, from The Hague, December 17th, 1790, Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 398.

Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 401. Ibid., p. 403, date December 27th, 1790.

Date February 18th, 1791, Feuillet de Conches, i., p. 465.

Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 14, date March 7th.

Mercy to Marie Antoinette, May 16th, Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 60. Ibid., p. 140.

Arneth, p. 188; Feuillet de Conches, ii, p. 186.

Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 228; Arneth, p. 203.

Arneth, p. 208. Ibid, p. 210; Feuillet de Conches, ii., p. 325.

Narrative of the Comte Valentin Esterhazy, Feuillet de Conches, iv., p. 40.

Letter to Madame de Polignac, March 17th, Feuillet de Conches, v., p. 337.

"Vie de Dumouriez," ii, p. 163, quoted by Marquis de Ferrières, Feuillet de Conches, and several other writers.

conchs 18 occurrences

He also exhibited some Specimens of Conchs, which were regular Sneezers in point of size.

And thus receiving the benedictions of those warriors with glad hearts, and causing the Brahmanas to utter auspicious words and bowing down to the best of the regenerate ones, and to Siva also, I set out on my car unto which were yoked the horses Saivya, and Sugriva, filling all sides with the clatter (of my wheels) and blowing that best of conchs, the Panchajanya!

And when the son of Kunti entered that forest destitute of human beings, sounds of conchs and drums began to be heard in the heavens.

And the sounds of conchs and drums and trumpets by thousands began to be heard.

The strong-armed son of Pritha then heard around him the music of conchs and drums.

Then followed Prince Ongtong and his choir, superbly gowned in their flowing sarongs, wearing their long Papuan pampooties and followed in turn by a group of instrumentalists playing on conchs, nose-flutes and a species of mouth-organ closely resembling the jew's-harp, but much larger and more penetrating in its quality.

Let golden chains, and conchs and bright ear-rings made of gold, manufactured in various countries, and beautiful rubies and gems, and silken robes and deer-skins, be brought for thee.

Alas, he whose mace-like arms have been cicatrized in consequence of the strokes of his bow-string, alas that Dhananjaya is passing the days in grief covering his wrists with bracelets of conchs.

Beholding him coming towards me, decked in golden ear-rings and other ornaments, and wearing on the wrists bracelets of conchs, my heart is afflicted with despondency.

Thou must have heard before the blare of many conchs and the note of many trumpets, and the roar also of many elephants in the midst of ranks arrayed for battled.

And then there arose the sound of loud clapping of hands, with the blare of conchs and trumpets and kettle-drums made by the Kurus while they applauded Vikartana's son who filled the atmosphere with the sound of his bow-string flapping against his fence.

Then announcing his own name, Arjuna powerfully blew that best of conchs called Devadatta, of loud blare.

And at the flapping of fences, and the blare of conchs, the leonine roars made by the warriors and the shrieks of elephants, and the twang of the Gandiva resembling the thunder, I have, O hero, been so stupefied that I have been deprived of both hearing and memory.

And the roars of huge elephants and conchs, mingling together, produced a loud up roar.

And the mighty car warrior constituted its large island, and it resounded with the blare of conchs and the sound of drums.

And then conchs and cymbals and horns and drums and other musical instruments appointed by the Pandavas, began to play in the palace of Virata.

This class includes all the Snails, Slugs, Cockles, Conchs, Periwinkles, Whelks, Limpets, and the like.

His language is a queer mixture of geechy, sea terms and broad "a's" acquired by long association with Nassau "conchs."

Do we say   conches   or  conchs