289 examples of congo in sentences

English explorers work their way, with infinite hardship, through its untravelled wilds, and track the courses of the Congo and the Nile as their forefathers tracked the Potomac and the Hudson.

In the rear of ancient New Orleans, beyond the sites of the old rampart, a trio of Spanish forts, where the town has since sprung up and grown old, green with all the luxuriance of the wild Creole summer, lay the Congo Plains.

There followed the Mansion House speech of Mr. Lloyd George and the Franco-German agreement of November 1911, whereby Germany recognized a French protectorate in Morocco in return for concessions of territory in the French Congo.

If Germany had that intention, she was frustrated by the solidarity shown between France and England, and the result was the final and definite absorption of Morocco in the French Empire, with the approval and active support of Great Britain, Germany being compensated by the cession of part of the French Congo.

One can admire even the statue of Wissmann, the great explorer, that looks with fixed eyes to the Congo in the eye of the setting sun.

But within the last sixty or seventy years we have added the further motive most aptly expressed by the late King Leopold of Belgium in the document by which he obtained his rights over the Congo: I mean "the moral and material amelioration" of the subject peoples.

But for this new standard, where would be the Congo agitation, or the movement against the Portuguese cocoa slavery, or such sympathy as exists with the Nationalists of India, Egypt, and Persia?

she cried, "you are thinking of the Congo.

A slave ship, which I have reason to believe was employed by southern men, came near the port of Savannah with about FIVE HUNDRED SLAVES, from Guinea and Congo.

Her parents were clear negros, of the Congo or Guinea race, and in every thing but colour she perfectly resembled them.

COLLISON, WILSON. Congo landing.

SEE Hart-Davis, Rupert. DAVIS, W. E. Ten years in the Congo.


Tintin au Congo.

Le retour du Tchad, suite du Voyage au Congo.

South of the Congo.


Those into whose lives economics do not enter, or enter very littlethat is to say, those who, like the Congo cannibal, or the Red Indian, or the Bedouin, do not cultivate, or divide their labour, or trade, or save, or look to the future, have shed little of the primitive passions of other animals of prey, the tigers and the wolves, who have no economics at all, and have no need to check an impulse or a hate.

UNIONISTS.On Saturday next, at Westminster Abbey, Mr. H.M. STANLEY, the founder of the "Congo Free State," enters the "Can't-go Free State.

The African tribes along the Congo wear on their bodies "the horn, the hoof, the hair, the teeth, and the bones of all manner of quadrupeds; the feathers, beaks, claws, skulls, and bones of birds; the heads and skins of snakes; the shells and fins of fishes, pieces of old iron, copper, wood, seeds of plants, and sometimes a mixture of all, or most of them, strung together.

In Congo, scarifications are made on the back for therapeutic reasons; and in Timor-Laut (Malay Archipelago), both sexes tattooed themselves "in imitation of immense smallpox marks, in order to ward off that disease.

On the Congo, scarifications are made on the back for therapeutic reasons, and on the face as tribal marks.

The Congo cannibals begin the process of scarring the face at the age of four.[101] Dyak girls are tattooed at five.[102]

In his Lettres sur le Congo (152) Edouard Dupont relates that a man who has lost his wife and wants to show grief shaves his head, blackens himself, stops work, and sits in front of his chimbeque several days.

On the lower Congo, says Dupont (96), a wife is not respected unless she has at least three children.

289 examples of  congo  in sentences