49 examples of congé in sentences

"Oh, you needn't think that you can take congé for good, Jack.

But why do you ask this question, just at this moment?" "Parcequebecausewith mademoiselle's permission, I intended to ask for my congé.

He granted to the clergy a charter, relinquishing for ever that important prerogative, for which his father and all his ancestors had zealously contended; yielding to them the free election on all vacancies; reserving only the power to issue a congé d'élire, and to subjoin a confirmation of the election; and declaring that, if either of these were withheld, the choice should nevertheless be deemed just and valid

The full privilege of elections in the clergy, granted by the late king, was not confirmed, nor the liberty of going out of the kingdom, without the royal consent: whence we may conclude, that Pembroke and the barons, jealous of the ecclesiastical power, both were desirous of renewing the king's claim to issue a congé d'élire to the monks and chapters, and thought it requisite to put some check to the frequent appeals to Rome.

And all the beasts him feared as they ought, And followed unto his palaice hye; Where taking congé, each one by and by Departed to his home in dreadfull awe, Full of the feared sight which late they sawe.

Polignac, forgetting any were en congé, thought there were 12,000.

We agreed that there was no reason-why the congé d'élire should not issue.

There are others also to which I would give their congé if they would take it.

When some one said in his presence that a congé d'élire might be considered as only a strong recommendation: "Sir," replied Johnson, "it is such a recommendation as if I should throw you out of a two-pair of stairs window, and recommend you to fall soft.

"When she has made her own choice, for form's sake, she sends a congé-d'-élire to her friends.""Let

"When she has made her own choice, she sends, for form's sake, a congé-d'élire to her friends.

Let us, likewise, give the fellow his congé.

Congé d'élire, iv.

Il obéit, et prit congé du roi, qui ne se remua pas plus à son départ qu'il ne l'avoit fait à son arrivée.

Le chef de la caravane s'apprêtoît à repartir, et j'allai en conséquence prendre congé des ambassadeurs du roi de Cypre.

Quelques jours après qu'Hoyarbarach fut arrivé j'allai prendre congé de lui et le remercier des moyens qu'il m'avoit procurés, de faire mon voyage.

Quand j'allai prendre congé de mondit seigneur d'Autriche et de madame, il me recommanda lui-même à mes deux compagnons de voyage, messire Jacques Trousset et mondit seigneur de Walsce, qui alloit se rendre sur la frontière de Bohème il commandoit.

Je pris congé de lui, et le quittai avec bien du regret.

de mots, si toutesfois l'on ne vous donne congé de vous asseoir, ou de vous tenir couuert.

As to the Congé d'Élire, and Nolo episcopari, not so absurd; and, if omitted, why changed.

"Bishops are, under a premunire obliged to confirm and consecrate the person named in the congé d'Élire."

Madame, s'il en dit deux, son congé sera le troisième.

Et je lui ai répondu que je ne pouvois pas m'en mêler, que je me brouillerais avec vous si je vous en parlois, que vous me donneriez mon congé, que vous lui donneriez le sien.

Je ne sais pas pourquoi Madame me donne mon congé: je n'ai pas mérité ce traitement; je l'ai toujours servie à faire plaisir.

Je ne te donne point ton congé, je te payerai pour être à Monsieur. ARLEQUIN.

49 examples of  congé  in sentences