14 examples of conine in sentences

But with this granted, the simplest alkaloid formulas, those of conine, C{8}H{17}N, and nicotine, C{10}H{14}N{2}, still showed that the amine molecule contained quite complex groups of carbon and hydrogen atoms, and the great majority of the alkaloidsthe non-volatile onescontained groups in which the three elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, all entered.

Taking up the volatile alkaloids, we find with regard to conine, first, that the action of methyl iodide shows it to be a secondary amine, that is, it restrains only one replaceable hydrogen atom of the original ammonia molecule.

From conine can be prepared methyl-conine, which also occurs in nature, and dimethyl-conine.

From conine can be prepared methyl-conine, which also occurs in nature, and dimethyl-conine.

From conine can be prepared methyl-conine, which also occurs in nature, and dimethyl-conine.

Conine, on oxidation, yields chiefly butyric acid, but among the products of oxidation has been found the pyridine carboxylic acid before referred to.

The formula of conine, C{8}H{17}N, shows it to be homologous with piperidine, C{5}H{11}N, a derivative of piperine, the alkaloid of pepper, to be spoken of later; and, just as piperidine is derived from pyridine by the action of reducing agents, so conine is probably derived from a propyl-pyridine.

The formula of conine, C{8}H{17}N, shows it to be homologous with piperidine, C{5}H{11}N, a derivative of piperine, the alkaloid of pepper, to be spoken of later; and, just as piperidine is derived from pyridine by the action of reducing agents, so conine is probably derived from a propyl-pyridine.

The artificial alkaloid paraconine, isomeric with the natural conine, will be referred to later.

with concentrated hydrochloric acid, splits off a molecule of water, and yields tropidine, C{8}H{13}N, a liquid base, with an odor resembling conine.

Piperidine, the decomposition product of piperine, which we have shown may be considered to be hexahydropyridine, was examined by Dr. Kronecker, of Berlin, at the request of Prof. Hofmann, and was found to have an action upon animals in many respects resembling that of conine.

Prof. Filehne, of Erlangen, who has studied a large number of these pyridine and quinoline derivatives, found, moreover, that the hydrochlorate of ethyl-piperidine had a physiological action quite analogous to that of conine.

By heating butyl-aldehyde with alcoholic ammonia is formed paraconine, an alkaloid isomeric with the natural conine, but differing in physiological action.

Beside her sat Mrs. Helen Grenfell, for thirteen years county and State superintendent of schools, Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson, Mrs. Martha A.B. Conine, and Miss Gail Laughlin, all women of note in their community.

14 examples of  conine  in sentences