5295 examples of conquer in sentences

The strong pugnacious habit in the little punching boy reached a point that showed he was unable to conquer it from within: about two months after his arrival the teacher consulted his mother, who confirmed all that the teacher had experienced: her prescription was smacking.

Let us determine to die here, and we will conquer.

Then she left the room, followed by Louise and Beth, both of whom were glad to be alone that they might conquer their bitter disappointment.

Whetstone inveighs against the English dramatist who "in three howers ronnes throwe the worlde, marryes, gets children, makes Children men, men to conquer kingdomes, murder Monsters, and bringeth Gods from Heaven, and fetcheth Divels from Hel."

When they delayed, he began to disdain them; and he was further elated by a cow, as they say, that uttered human speech bidding him lay hold of the prize before him, and by a dream in which a bull that had been buried in the city of Tucca seemed to urge him to dig up its head and carry it about on a spear-shaft, since by this means he should conquer.

They were very hopeful of having the whole war settled by this engagement: yet they felt encouraged even should that not prove the case, the one party expecting that if they should conquer then no further labor of importance would be theirs, and that if they should prevail on this occasion they would incur no further danger of defeat.

And he, however far he was from seriously contemplating such an act, yet made the offer to strengthen the belief that he was certainly and without fail going to conquer.

The searching flames may yet have power to conquer his calm indifference.'

The passionthe sinful passionthat stirred me so mightily just now, is gone; and I feel the goodness of my God in holding me back from the rash act I contemplated, and from rushing upon dangers that I might indeed defy, but could not hope to conquer.

"Men gather them to battlehost meets host And I am borne aloft to marshal them, I, the great King of Battles, that go forth Conquering and to conquer.

[What nature's bond or law's restraint avails, To conquer and deface me every hour.

Their policy has always been to conquer nations, to settle among the conquered, and to rule them, keeping them in strict and humiliating subjection.

Of heroes to conquer, or legislators to civilize, here has been no appearance; nothing has happened to them, but that they have been, sometimes, seen by wandering navigators, who passed by them in search of better habitations.

When subordinate communities oppose the decrees of the general legislature with defiance thus audacious, and malignity thus acrimonious, nothing remains but to conquer or to yield; to allow their claim of independence, or to reduce them, by force, to submission and allegiance.

While we conquer all before us, new enemies will rise up behind, and our work will be always to begin.

But Drake had other enemies to conquer or escape far more formidable than these barbarians, and insidious practices to obviate, more artful and dangerous than the ambushes of the Indians; for in this place was laid open a design formed by one of the gentlemen of the fleet, not only to defeat the voyage, but to murder the general.

They expect that a British army should overrun the continent in a summer, that towns should surrender at their summons, and legions retire at their shout; that they should drive nations before them, and conquer empires by marching over them.

Why don't YOU rather, with your practical power, turn sanitary reformerthe only true soldierand conquer those real devils and "natural enemies" of Englishmen, carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen?' 'Ce n'est pas mon metier, my dear fellow.

It was her love he wanted, and not her pity; it was to conquer her and possess her, and inform himself with her image, and her with his own; though as yet he did not know it; though the moment that she turned away he cursed himself for selfish vanity, and moroseness and conceit.

And in deliberate confidence he set to work to conquer her, and make her his own.

He rode awayto meet the morning sunhidden yet behind the eastern horizonto conquer himself, to master the ways of men, in the world that lay beyond!

The only way to conquer was to fly; But thus long death hath lived, and now death's self shall die.

"Then," said I, "we had best go to war with them, for we have arms and they none; if we conquer them we shall live without fear for the future."

Yet he it was who should found a spiritual kingdom never to be destroyed, going on from conquering to conquer, until the whole world shall be subdued.

Sometimes they say, they intend to go to Cologne to bring home the three wise kings into their own country; sometimes they propose to punish the avarice and pride of the Romans, who formerly oppressed them; sometimes to conquer the barbarous nations of the north; sometimes to moderate the fury of the Germans with their own mildness; sometimes in derision they say that they intend going in pilgrimage to the shrine of St James in Galicia.

5295 examples of  conquer  in sentences