4045 examples of conquest in sentences

He proceeded vigorously to the reduction of the chief towns of Flanders, the conquest of which would give him possession of the entire province, no army now remaining to oppose him in the field.

But these domestic victories of the prince of Parma were barren in any of those results which humanity would love to see in the train of conquest.

Irritated and mortified by the assistance which Elizabeth had given to the revolted provinces, Philip resolved to employ his whole power in attempting the conquest of England itself; hoping afterward to effect with ease the subjugation of the Netherlands.

This gallant officer, whose greatness of mind, according to some historians, was much disproportioned to the smallness of his person, gained possession of that important town by a well-conducted stratagem, and maintained his conquest valiantly till he was killed in its defence.

The spirit of conquest soon became grafted on the habits of trade.

He not only exhausted the resources of the king of Spain and the archduke, but obtained money on his private account from all those usurers who were tempted by his confident anticipations of conquest.

By a succession of the most prudent manoeuvres he contrived to keep Spinola in check, disconcerted all his projects, and forced him to content himself with the capture of two or three townsa comparatively insignificant conquest.

They feared that the present state of things would lead to their conquest by the enemy, or to the ruin of their liberty by the growing power of Maurice.

The Norman Conquest of England, beginning in 1066, brought the period to a close.


The Norman Conquest.

THE EMERGENCE OF MODERN ENGLISH Three Languages used in EnglandFor three hundred years after the Norman Conquest, three languages were widely used in England.

" The Norman Conquest helped to lop off these endings, which German has never entirely lost.

Such dropping of terminations is precisely what did happen before the Norman Conquest in those parts of England most overrun by the Danes.

Of course the Norman Conquest hastened many grammatical changes that would ultimately have resulted from inherent causes, but it did not exercise as great an influence as was formerly ascribed to it.

Philologists find it impossible to assign the exact amount of change due to the Conquest and to other causes.

For over a hundred years after the Conquest, but few French words found their way into current English use.

For nearly three hundred years after the Norman Conquest the chief literary productions were metrical romances, which were in the first instance usually written by Frenchmen, but sometimes by Englishmen (e.g. Layamon) under French influence.

He is certainly the greatest poet between the Conquest and Chaucer's time.

This conquest was the more remarkable since a large Turkish fleet was sent to the relief of the fortress; but fearing the fire-ships of the Greeks, the Turkish admiral sailed away without doing anything, and cast anchor in the bay of Tenedos.

So on the 7th of May, 1828, the Russians crossed the Pruth and invaded Moldavia and Wallachia,provinces which had long belonged to Turkey by right of conquest, though governed by Greek hospodars.

One woman is determined to make a conquest flattering to her vanity.

Perhaps nothing could be more flattering to your vanity than to make a conquest which would not fail to give you the kind of celebrity to which you aspire.

Perhaps you wish to attempt my conquest to see whether love is for me the same in practice as in theory.

It is useless to exaggerate the value you put upon my conquest, that I tell you plainly; you are expending too much on hope, I am not able to respond.

4045 examples of  conquest  in sentences