9496 examples of consists in sentences

The reason of this is, because good has relation to love, and truth to wisdom; for love consists of goods, and wisdom truths.

The conservation of the whole consists in the perpetual influx of divine good and divine truth into forms created from those principles; for thereby subsistence or conservation is perpetual existence or creation.

There are three things of which every man consists, and which follow in an orderly connection,the soul, the mind, and the body: his inmost is the soul, his middle is the mind, and his ultimate is the body.

Every man consists of a soul, a mind, and a body.

Conjugial love essentially consists in the desire of two to become one; that is, in their desire that two lives may become one life.

The latter also consists of the former, as a whole consists of its parts, and thereby it exists; and further, as the security of a large society depends on order, so does the security of this small society; wherefore as it behoves public magistrates to see and provide that order may exist and be preserved in a compound society, so it concerns married partners in their single society.

The latter also consists of the former, as a whole consists of its parts, and thereby it exists; and further, as the security of a large society depends on order, so does the security of this small society; wherefore as it behoves public magistrates to see and provide that order may exist and be preserved in a compound society, so it concerns married partners in their single society.

Southern masters believe, that their only safety consists in keeping down the discontent of their servants.

They can generalize upon the merits and defects of a picture, although they cannot point out the details of the defects, or in what the beauty of a picture consists; and to prove this, only let the reader visit the Exhibition at Somerset House, and watch the little critical coteries that collect round the most attractive paintings.

This consists, not in the capacity for melody, but in the capacity for harmony in the musician's sense...."

The forward torpedo gear consists of one torpedo gun, adapted for ejecting the Whitehead torpedo by means of gunpowder, now preferred on account of its simplicity.

It consists of a beam, A, which is firmly attached to a wire or band, B, at right angles to it, and which wire is tightly stretched by any convenient means.

The peculiarity consists in the addition of a small dose of plaster of Paris (sulphate of lime) very carefully introduced and intimately mixed.

An arch consists of a series of wedge shaped blocks, known as voussoirs, arranged in a curve, and so locking one another together that unless the abutments from which the arch springs give way, it will not only carry itself, but sustain a heavy load.

Mr. Robson, till lately the architect to the School Board for London, has the merit of having put down in every part of the metropolis a series of well contrived and well designed buildings, the exterior of which almost without exception consists of brickwork only.

The rhythm of verse is its relation of quantities; the modulation of its numbers; or, the kind of metre, measure, or movement, of which it consists, or by which it is particularly distinguished.

It will scarcely be thought a hard matter to distinguish true verse from prose, yet is it not well agreed, wherein the difference consists: what the generality regard as the most essential elements or characteristics of the former, some respectable authors dismiss entirely from their definitions of both verse and versification.

The syllables of which the foot consists, when the foot is not a syllable in itself, are subdivisions of the pulsations.

But rhythm is, in fact, neither time nor quantity; for the analysis which would make it such, destroys the relation in which the thing consists.

Again: "But as our accent consists in stress only, it can just as well be placed on a consonant as [on] a vowel.

Unity, as a quality of style, in what consists required by every sentence Precepts aiming at offences against.

D.," who says, in the first paragraph of his introduction, "LANGUAGE consists of intelligible signs, and is the medium, by which the mind communicates its thoughts.

A later author speaks thus: "The Latin Alphabet consists of twenty-five letters, the same in name and form as the English, but without the w."Bullions's Latin Gram., p. 1.

It consists of a keep and massive outer wall.

It usually consists of from two to five shirts, and three pairs of pantaloons.

9496 examples of  consists  in sentences