309 examples of contagions in sentences

Consider the probable issue of the undertaking!You will see a few hapless wretches, and tell their condition to the inattentive world; perhaps perish yourself from contagion, before you have time to tell it; and leave your afflicted friends to lament your untimely fate, and the ungrateful Publick to deride your temerity!'

He purifies endlessly his house, saying that Hecatethat is, the moonhas exercised some malign influence on it; and many other purifications he observes, of which I shall only say that they are by their nature plainly, like the last, meant as preservatives against unseen malarias or contagions, possible or impossible.

But what regulations by the British parliament could prevent these contagions, or remove them suddenly, when they appeared?

The studies of the "scientifics" ought to have protected them better from the suggestions and contagions of the outside worldthat is, if they confined themselves to their trade.

Remember, please, that, in those last winters in Paris, I did not prove immune to contagions.

"I can insure no one against contagion," replied Hodges; "but there is much in his favour.

Were I to echo the language of the preachers, I should say it was owing to the wickedness and immorality of the times that this dreadful judgment of the plague has been inflicted upon us; but I merely bring it forward as an argument to prove to you, Amabel, that if you would escape the moral contagion by which you are threatened, you must put the strictest guard upon your conduct.

They bring nothing but mischief; their nature is like leaven, and propagates its own contagion.

To see helpless infancy stretching out her hands, and pouring out her cries in testimony of dependence, without any powers to alarm jealousy, or any guilt to alienate affection, must surely awaken tenderness in every human mind; and tenderness once excited will be hourly increased by the natural contagion of felicity, by the repercussion of communicated pleasure, by the consciousness of the dignity of benefaction.

The mode of its spreading forbids us to attribute it, at least in any material degree, although it may be partially so, to contagion in the ordinary sense, i.e., contagion passing from person to person along the lines of human intercourse.

The mode of its spreading forbids us to attribute it, at least in any material degree, although it may be partially so, to contagion in the ordinary sense, i.e., contagion passing from person to person along the lines of human intercourse.

You're a giantess reeking with mad contagions.

At the bottom of this passion for riches conjugal contagion probably lay.

Almost before they realised what they were doing, the thing became a contagion, an orgy.

As sympathy yet takes chances with contagions it took them then with shells.

Flora Valcour daily took both riskswith contagions in a field hospital hard by the cemetery, and with shells and stray balls when she fled at moments from the stinking wards to find good air and to commune with her heart's desires and designs.

Thought contagions.

Thought contagions.

Thought contagions.

Thought contagions.

As he had had smallpox when at Barbadoes, he had no fear of contagion.

His mind dwelt on her as he remembered her in the moments when she had been carried out of herself by the contagion of his own enthusiasm, when she had seemed to love him devotedly.

so I think, at least; thy heart was too full of too pure an ideal, too far removed from all possible contagion with the base crowd.

Ill-informed medical men aid in sustaining the delusion, by laying the blame on "current contagions.

For example, it is commonly thought that children must have what are commonly called "children's epidemics," "current contagions," &c., in other words, that they are born to have measles, hooping-cough, perhaps even scarlet fever, just as they are born to cut their teeth, if they live.

309 examples of  contagions  in sentences