Do we say continual or continuous

continual 1668 occurrences

It produced, however, the unpleasant impression of a continual coming and going in the house, as though, screened cleverly and purposely from actual sight, some one in the building held constant invisible intercourse withothers.

The steamer was detained several hours at Natchez, where she was supplied with wood and water, and during the delay a huge, hard-fisted boatman, somewhat the worse for a poor article of strychnine whiskey, made himself very conspicuous and exceedingly obnoxious by the continual iteration of his intense desire to fight some one.

And the peasantry aver that the noise made by the continual labour of its victims, may still be heard by the adventurous at the close of day.

At length I grew fatigued with continual contemplation, and to relieve myself pulled out a pocket Horace, the legacy of my beloved Brightwel!

Hence many wolves and owls were seen in the City itself and continual earthquakes with bellowings took place, fire shot down from the west to the east, and other fires burned both the temple of Quirinus and a second.

In a word, both by land and water, there are so many turnings and windings, so many heights and hollows, so many glens, capes, and bays, that one cannot advance twenty yards without having the prospect changed by the continual appearance of new objects, while others are retiring out of sight.

That bridge, which is the present old bridge, continued to stand, with various repairs and alterations, until the year 1828, when, in consequence of the decay of the piles, and the continual heavy expenses required to uphold it, the Commissioners determined to build a new one of more durable materials.

"It is not pleasant," wrote a distinguished statistician, "to contemplate England as one vast factory, an enlarged Manchester, manufacturing in semi-darkness, continual uproar and at an intense pressure for the rest of the world.

One of the great benefits that the present war is working is that it is teaching young countries to do without continual drafts of fresh capital from the older ones.

Being industrious and frugal, they managed to live very comfortably, except the continual dread of being discovered.

Hardship, scanty food, and above all, continual distress of mind, had considerably reduced his flesh.

For about ten years he waged a continual struggle against the Government, urging especially a limitation to the duration of Parliament and losing no opportunity of asserting its claims to independence, or of attacking the pension list, which under the system then prevailing grew steadily from year to year.

He here says that the continual hurry into which he was thrown by entertainments, visits, and ceremonies in the course of his southern tour, left him scarcely a moment he could call his own.

It was just the time when everybody was thinking of harvests and ingatherings of all sorts of things, which it had not been possible to get in for the continual rains; the poor farmer was watching for a dry moment to get them in; meanwhile all the district was beaten with many a scourge.

Paris was beside itself; all the houses of officials were besieged by a continual crowd; knots collected, at all the cross-roads.

Detachments scoured the country, and carried to a distance the name of France: during three years, through a course of continual suffering and intestine strife more dangerous than the hardships of nature and the ambushes of savages, the French maintained themselves in their new settlement, enlarged from time to time by new emigrants.

He told them that with a continual fume of the six hottest simples it should have motion, and in one month space speak: the time of the month: or the day he knew not.

Then went these two learned Friars home again and prepared the simples ready and made the fume, and with continual watching attended when this Brazen Head should speak.

There is continual spring, and harvest there Continuall, both meeting at one tyme: For both the boughes doe laughing blossoms beare.

thou known the worth of Heaven's rich gift, Thou would'st have turned it to a truer use, And not (with starved and covetous ignorance) Pined in continual eyeing that bright gem The glance whereof to others had been more Than to thy famished mind the wide world's store.

Two boys may be individually harmless and well-disposed, and yet they may be of so mercurial a temperament that, together, the temptation to continual play will be irresistible.

In the sense of "sure" it is in colloquial, but not in literary, use. CONTINUAL, CONTINUOUS."Continual is used of frequently repeated acts, as, 'Continual dropping wears away a stone;' continuous, of uninterrupted action, as, 'the continuous flowing of a river.'" DEADLY, DEATHLY."Deathly, in the sense of 'resembling death,' as, 'She was deathly pale,' is preferable to deadly, since deadly also means 'inflicting death.'

In the sense of "sure" it is in colloquial, but not in literary, use. CONTINUAL, CONTINUOUS."Continual is used of frequently repeated acts, as, 'Continual dropping wears away a stone;' continuous, of uninterrupted action, as, 'the continuous flowing of a river.'" DEADLY, DEATHLY."Deathly, in the sense of 'resembling death,' as, 'She was deathly pale,' is preferable to deadly, since deadly also means 'inflicting death.'

There was continual (continuous) fighting for three days.


continuous 1625 occurrences

Isolation for the night is also our demand, but we object to continuous solitary confinement by day and night.

Besides his continuous and exhausting labors in procuring money for Congress at home, and for nearly all of its representatives abroad, Franklin was always effecting some good thing for his country.

On his final retirement to Monticello, in 1809, after forty-four years of continuous public service, Jefferson devoted himself chiefly to the care of his estate, which had been much neglected during his presidential career.

The year's pay of an A.B., 'non-continuous service,' as Elizabeth's sailors were, is at the present time £24 6s.

In time of peace as well as in time of war there is a continuous consumption of the articles of various kinds used on board ship, viz.

This was of great importance for two reasons: it was in Spain first, at least first on any larger scale, that the military occupation of the land became continuous; and it was there consequently that the service acquired a permanent character.

Who would relish an obituary such as: "He died like a hero, his last words being 'XB35/067K'"? To the ramping of the continuous crump the B.M. scraped away the dirt and stuff that had fallen from the throbbing walls of his dug-out and fished out the Code-Book.

Life in a convalescent hospital for officers is not one continuous round of gaiety, but it has its incidents for all that.

But he explained very well the advantages which he had discovered here; in the first place, an utterly peaceful retreat in which he might live the secluded life he desired; then, an unsuspected field for continuous research in the light of the facts of heredity, which was his passion, in this little town where he knew every family and where he could follow the phenomena kept most secret, through two or three generations.

He loved life; and the continuous work of life was a continual joy to him in spite of all the evil, all the misery, that it might contain.

He opened one of the windows of his room; the sky was dark, some storm must be passing in the distance, for there was a continuous rumbling of thunder.

He had gradually become more and more excited, and had so come to make this confession of his faith in the continuous and victorious work of animated nature.

Hot days alternate with cold nights, and in winter there is almost continuous rain.

Even as a child, his weak lungs caused great anxiety to all the family except himself; but although Death loves a shining mark, it took over forty years of continuous practice for the grim archer to send the black arrow home.

In anything fit to be called by the name of reading, the process itself should be absorbing and voluptuous; we should gloat over a book, be rapt clean out of ourselves, and rise from the perusal, our mind filled with the busiest, kaleidoscopic dance of images, incapable of sleep or of continuous thought.

In early and late summer, when the weather was fine and warm, these stone floors and continuous draughts may have been solacing; but in winter and early spring, when Florentine weather can be so bitterly hostile, what then?

The most continuous and heaviest rain falls from June till the end of October.

It was not a separate structure, but under the same continuous roof with the next.

There is an undeniable attraction in a play which constitutes, so to speak, one brisk and continuous adventure, begun, developed, and ended before our eyes.

Then Karthalo, who had the command of the cavalry, charging at full speed, and having put them to flight before he came within a dart's throw, pursued them for five miles almost in a continuous course.

This attack is delivered by one continuous spiral movement of the bayonet from the moment contact is abandoned.

It is delivered by one continuous spiral movement of the bayonet into the opening.

In fact, Chrysostom Trotter was one of those numerous half-way men between the old beliefs and their new modifications, which the continuous advance of scientific discovery and philosophical speculation on the one hand, and the obstinate survival of Christianity on the other, necessitateif men of spiritual intuitions who are not poets and artists are to earn their living.

Country places in adjacent counties were opened and guests flitted from one house to the other in a continuous round of visits.

The work has been well begun, but it is a work of years, and it is to the youth of the country that we must look for its continuous expansion and perpetuation.

Do we say   continual   or  continuous