161 examples of contortion in sentences

You are put in every kind of contortion to get at it, your limbs twisted, and your muscles strained.

In graceful unison they removed their masks; three flushed and unusually pretty faces regarded the author of their being attentivelymore attentively still when that round and ruddy gentleman, executing a facial contortion, screwed his monocle into an angry left eye and glared.

Then with another frightful facial contortion he reimbedded the monocle.

His power of facial contortion was extraordinary, and I believe that on demand he could have imitated almost any face that struck his fancy.

Peter watched the contortion uneasily.

Was he madmadand this all a terrible nightmare, a raving find unreal contortion of things in his brain?

contorsión, f., contortion; hacer una , to bend one's body; to writhe.

A curious contortion of the deaf-and-dumb alphabet was used among the Indian girls when pride forbade the use of speech.

She knew the sacred light in which they were regarded by their owner, and she felt quite sure that if "ole miss" ever attempted, in one of her fits of anger, to exercise her power of limb twisting or back contortion upon her, that the sight of those little blue shoes would create a revulsion of feeling, and, as she put it to herself, "stop her mighty short."

The footman had yawned as often, expressing with each contortion an excessive longing for beer.

Seated on the ground, in act to draw his hose up, he was hampered by the wetness of his legs; and while he heard the clamour of the soldiers, the cries, the rumbling of the drums, he pulled with all his might; all the muscles and sinews of his body were seen in strain; and what was more, the contortion of his mouth showed what agony of haste he suffered, and how his whole frame laboured to the toe-tips.

Every man has some habitual contortion of body, or established mode of expression, which never fails to raise mirth if it be pointed out to notice.

The most rapid movement, the most perilous contortion of bodies falling through the air or flying, he depicted with hard, firmly-traced, unerring outline.

His "S. Sebastian," notwithstanding its wan and faded colouring, is still the very best that has been painted.[406] Suffering, refined and spiritual, without contortion or spasm, could not be presented with more pathos in a form of more surpassing loveliness.

oh so clearly, so that not a fraction of a sound was lost to his ears, with no special emotion in her face, with no contortion, no grimace, but with her eyes fixed upon his.

For a few moments he stood irresolute, and then, with an extraordinary contortion of visage, dropped into his chair again and sat gazing blankly before him.

He laughedas he had spokenin a thick, muffled voice and I made shift to produce some sort of smile in response to his hideous facial contortion.

An irregular contortion of a turbinated shell, which common eyes pass unregarded, will ten times treble its price in the imagination of philosophers.

Upon men intent only upon truth, the arm of an orator has little power; a credible testimony, or a cogent argument will overcome all the art of modulation, and all the violence of contortion.

But, as the struggle proceeded, the room seemed to be gradually lighted up for her; and every grapple, every blow, every facial contortion of this horrible contest, were plainly visible.

And she laughed to contortion.

But in that sleep contortion showed The terror of the vision there A silent vision unavowed, Revealing earth's foundation bare, And Gorgon in her hidden place.

He found that by a backward contortion he could bring himself erect again, and that for a few minutes after each respite it was not so difficult for him to stand.

" "And when I come to see you again I'll bring another salad," quoth Philip, as he rode out of the court; and his father, by way of excusing a contortion of features, smoothed the entangled lock of hair, and muttered something about, "This comes of not wearing a periwig."

Then with a strange smile, half sweetness, half the contortion of a mortal pang, the dying man said, "May she kiss me once?"

161 examples of  contortion  in sentences