7 examples of controller's in sentences

MERCANTILE REPAIR WORK The Controller's Department undoubtedly succeeded in the work of improving the arrangements for the repair of merchant ships.

"N.B. 's use adhesive paste, which has been expressly prepared to conform with the Food Controller's regulations.

"The Irish farmers are confident that the Food Controller's declared intention to fix the price of cattle at 6s.

Mr. BONAR LAW'S solemn assurance that he only accepted the invitation on the distinct understanding that the feast would fall completely within the FOOD CONTROLLER'S regulations, was not altogether convincing.

A stinging rejoinder is expected from the FOOD-CONTROLLER'S Department.

Women Clerks are employed in the great financial Services of the General Post Office, the Savings Bank Department, Money Order Department (including the Postal Order Branch), Accountant-General's Department, and the Controller's Office of the London Telephone Service, as well as in the Accountant's Departments of the General Post Offices in Edinburgh and Dublin.

They were subsequently introduced into the Money Order Department and the Controller's Office of the London Telephone Service, and there are approximately 250 now employed.

7 examples of  controller's  in sentences