24 examples of convenance in sentences

Your father never will learn to have a proper regard for les convenances.

Cousin Jack assures me, that, while this man accepts almost any duty that he chooses to assign him, he would not deem it at all a violation of the convenances to aim at the throne in the White House.

"We must regard closely les convenances.

The Emperor is never allowed to leave the precincts of his palace, and everybody, high and low, is under a rigid rule of convenances, which does not seem to be felt to be burdensome.

The marriage turned out to be a happy one, although convenance had something to do with it.

[Fr.], feme coverte [Fr.]; squaw, lady; matron, matronage, matronhood^; man and wife; wedded pair, Darby and Joan; spiritual wife. monogamy, bigamy, digamy^, deuterogamy^, trigamy^, polygamy; mormonism; levirate^; spiritual wifery^, spiritual wifeism^; polyandrism^; Turk, bluebeard^. unlawful marriage, left-handed marriage, morganatic marriage, ill- assorted marriage; mesalliance; mariage de convenance

The contemplated union, which was entirely one of those mariages de convenance so common in good society, sprang out of the professor's ardent desire to leave behind him a direct heir to his very considerable wealth.

Perhaps they would become even more reckless of the convenances than I am!"

After making his marriage of convenance Fillamour again pays his court to Philenia, and seizing a lucky moment to surprise her on her daily walk, half by persuasion, half by force, carries his point.

Mariages de convenance are as common as in France, and have a good deal to do with the immorality and intrigue that go on in the larger cities.

It was a family arrangement, a mariage de convenance, as has been and is the practice among many peoples, ancient and modern.

I may cite the Empress of Austria as an authority in such matters; she has repeatedly assured me, that in those poems of Voltaire's, there is no trace of crossing the line of convenance.

I think you, who are so intrinsically a man of the world, will have imbibed the (so-called) sensible and popular views upon such subjects, and will at once coincide with me that in such a union as oursa literal mariage de convenance on both sidesmy ideas are not unwise.

Marriages de convenance, which are generally arranged by the parents, will turn out the reverse.

A girl who against the wish of her parents refuses to marry a rich man, still young, and ignores all considerations of convenance, in order to choose another instinctively to her liking, sacrifices her individual welfare to the species.

As a rule one or the other is the case, for it is only by the rarest and luckiest accident that convenance and passionate love go hand in hand.

For I began to be anxious how Helene would be able to comport herself in the company of one so dainty and full of devices and convenances as the lady of the Weiss Thor.

ORCHARDSON, WILLIAM QUILLER, English genre-painter, born in Edinburgh; his pictures are numerous, and among the best and most popular, "The Challenge," "The Queen of the Woods," "On Board the Bellerophon," "The Mariage de Convenance"; b. 1835.

We use this phrase with a certain limitation, because if a woman were to take a line of her own unrestricted by certain "convenances" of society and of fashion, she would certainly fall into the very error which we should be the first to declaim against, namelythe error of eccentricity.

A due regard for these "convenances" will ensure that sense of propriety in dress which will make everyone remember both her station and her means.

All will then be selon les convenances, which had been a difficulty to me," she added with a laugh.

Hitherto she had viewed herself as born to all attention and deference, and had taken it as a right, and now she found herself the victim of a mariage de convenance to a man of exhausted affections, who meant her only to be the attendant of his domineering mother.

Ce lecteur aime pourtant les licences, mais non pas les licences extrêmes, excessives; celles- ne sont supportables que dans la réalité qui en adoucit l'effronterie; elles ne sont à leur place que , et nous les y passons, parceque nous y sommes plus hommes qu'ailleurs; mais non pas dans un livre, elles deviennent plates, sales et rebutantes, à cause du peu de convenance qu'elles ont avec l'état tranquille d'un lecteur.

Est-il nécessaire de le voir deux fois pour juger du peu de convenance?

24 examples of  convenance  in sentences