2003 examples of convict in sentences

A storm of indignation in Massachusetts resulted in a petition for the removal of Governor Hutchinson and Lieutenant-Governor Oliver, which was sent by the House of Representatives to Franklin for presentation to the government; while, on the other hand, a torrent of obloquy overwhelmed the diplomatist in England, who was thought to have stolen the letters, although there was no evidence to convict him.

The trial lasted six months, and Jefferson did all he could to convict him, with the assistance of William Wirt, just rising into notice.

He tells us that there 'is no direct evidence against her'; and the charge levelled at her rests not on proof, but on 'strong probability.' One would like to have another instance out of all history, of probability, however strong, being deemed sufficient to convict a person of unsurpassed treachery and stupidity combined, when the direct evidence, which is not scanty, fails to support the charge and indeed points the other way.

I know there be many base, impudent, brazenfaced rogues, that will Nulla pallescere culpa, be moved with nothing, take no infamy or disgrace to heart, laugh at all; let them be proved perjured, stigmatised, convict rogues, thieves, traitors, lose their ears, be whipped, branded, carted, pointed at, hissed, reviled, and derided with Ballio the Bawd in Plautus, they rejoice at it, Cantores probos; "babe and Bombax," what care they?

All along he had told it while they had tried to convict him of under-handed and unfriendly intentions.

And if I obtain a respite, I will pry into everything and both inform against and convict many persons for you."

After five years of unrequited toil, and unspeakable hardship in convict camps,five years of slaving by the side of human brutes, and of nightly herding with them in vermin-haunted huts,Ben Davis had become like them.

For a while he had received occasional letters from home, but in the shifting life of the convict camp they had long since ceased to reach him, if indeed they had been written.

He dreamed that he was in the convict camp, and, by an easy transition, that he was in hell, consumed with hunger, burning with thirst.

But either the instinct of the convict, beaten, driven, and debased, or the influence of the child, which was still strong upon him, impelled him, after the first momentary pause, to flee as though seeking safety.

Mr. H. told her she must be specifiche could not convict the girl on such general chargessome particular acts must be proved.

The daily ration of food to each convict, in the principal prisons in this country, is as follows: In the New Hampshire State Prison, one and a quarter pounds of meal, and fourteen ounces of beef, for breakfast and dinner; and for supper, a soup or porridge of potatos and beans, or peas, the quantity not limited.

These, with other circumstances, necessarily make larger and longer draughts upon the strength of the slave, produce consequently greater exhaustion, and demand a larger amount of food to restore and sustain the laborer than is required by the convict in his briefer, less exposed, and less exhausting toils.

" The Managers of the American Prison Discipline Society, in their third Report, page 58, say, "In the Penitentiaries generally, in the United States, the animal food is equal to one pound of meat per day for each convict.

'You hardly are able to convict Mr. Thompson of falsehood, then, Judge,' said I, 'if I understood you right.

"The hardened convict moves their sympathy, and is to be taught the laws before he is expected to obey them; yet the guiltless slave is subjected to an extensive system of cruel enactments, of no part of which, probably, has he ever heard.

One little month of that suspense, when it involves death, we are told, in a very remarkable work lately published by an eye-witness, is sufficient to plough fixed lines and furrows in a convict of five-and-twentysufficient to dash the brown hair with grey, and to bleach the grey to white.


Men have so long adopted an attitude of chivalry toward women that very few juries will convict them.

When a crime is committed and the offender is not found, the ex-convict is rounded up with others of his class to see, perchance, if he is not the offender that is wanted.

Before this, the witness may have been shown his photograph in convict clothes.

When the fury has spent itself jurors regain some of their human feeling and refuse to convict.

The state sees the convict's boy working at casual tasks and growing up on the streets, while his father is paying the penalty of his act.

A man's hat found beside a rifled safe will convict the man of the crime.

Convince, convict.

2003 examples of  convict  in sentences