307 examples of cooing in sentences

At times a willow-grouse, white as the snow, light and graceful on the wing, rose from the branch where he had been laughing to his mate with a low, cooing laugh, and fluttered away over the trees.

THE TRUMPETER PIGEON.From the circumstance of this bird imitating the sound of a trumpet, instead of cooing, like other pigeons, it has received its designation.

Then she came running to us, cooing in helpless joy.

Occasionally, when her supply of pins became exhausted, Miss Milligan would contribute a cooing murmur to the effect that it did "set beautiful across the shoulders" or that "the long line over the hip was quite elegant.

So spake Sir GERARD (U.S.A.) and ceased. Then answered WILLIAM, talking through his hat: "When first the heathen rose against our realm, That haunt of peace where all day long occurred The cooing of innumerable doves, I hailed my knighthood where I sat in hall At high Potsdam the Palace, and they came; And all the rafters rang with rousing Hochs.

"That made him hedge and before long we were cooing over a bottle of wine like a couple of turtle doves.

On the roof sat the returned pigeon, cooing, and pluming his wings among his fellows.

Look at him, up there on the roof, coo-cooing!

I suppose you're all the time billing and cooing.

The cooing of a pair of amatory pigeons overhead nearly lulled me to slumber.

To distract the impatient westerners, a servant unhooked from the wall the cage of a gently-cooing dove.

It was brought to us, still cooing, and looked at me with the same resigned and vacant eyes as the ladies I had just left.

This frightened me so that I ran back to where the brown babies were cooing in safety.

This creature has a way of mincing her pressed lips, while she shakes the head, intensely cooing a fond laugh: and so she did then.

In a few strokes I drew the palace, and herself standing at the portal between the pillars: and now great was her satisfaction, for she pointed to the sketched figure, and to herself, interrogatively: and when I nodded 'yes,' she went cooing her fond murmurous laugh, with pressed and mincing lips: and it is clear that, in spite of my beatings, she is in no way afraid of me.

With her cooing murmur of a laugh, yet pale, pale, and with a most guilty look, she presented me a large bouquet of wild flowers.

a strange, swift, sharp-sounding, fitful modulation, part of it pungent, quasi latrant, other parts of it cooing, bantery, lovingly quizzical, which no charm of his fine ringing voice (metallic tenor, of sweet tone), and of his vivacious rapid looks and pretty little attitudes and gestures, could altogether reconcile you to, but in which he persisted through good report and bad.

I made a blotch of red wax on the back as large as a dollar, that thereon I might the more indelibly impress a seal, with a couple of pigeons cooing upon it, and 'toujours wotre' for the motto.

Doves on the sunny eaves are cooing, The chip-bird trills from the apple-tree, Blossoms are bursting and leaves renewing, And the crocus darts up the spring to see.

White seagulls, cooing like the doves of Aphrodite, fluttered around their nude sea-queen, serenely contemplating them from her movable throne, crowned with pearls and phosphorescent stars drawn from the depths of her dominion.

"Some of them have cooing notes and build their nests in trees; these belong to the Pigeon family.

" CHAPTER XXVI A COOING PAIR THE PASSENGER PIGEON AND THE MOURNING DOVE "You all know the Pigeons that are kept about stables and barnyards.

"Doves on the sunny eaves are cooing, The chip-bird trills from the apple-tree; Blossoms are bursting and leaves renewing, And the crocus darts up the spring to see.

The pigeons were skimming up and down the roof of the wood-house, and cooing round the horses that were in the yard.

On the dusty plain without a gale was blowing that rocked the high tree-tops above her, but, tempered and subdued, entered the low aisles with a fluttering breath of morning and a sound like the cooing of doves.

307 examples of  cooing  in sentences