59 examples of cookin' in sentences

"If you mean that you'd rather go back to the cookin'," the Boy was saying, "I'm agreeable.

" "Mr. Wolf smelt the cookin'; want's the rest of the pack to know there's something queer up here on the hill."

"Anyhow, the company is less mixed," he said, "than it was all winter up at twenty-three, where they had a Presbyterian missionary down the shaft, a Salvation Army captain turnin' the windlass, a nigger thief dumpin' the becket, and a dignitary of the Church of England doin' the cookin', with the help of a Chinese chore-boy.

I believe everybody does, if we only knew it, and you haven't had a very good chance either, piratin' among the black heathen in the islands of the sea; but the Bible speaks plain, and old Captain Coombs often told us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, and I can't encourage Sunday-breakin' by cookin' for them that do it!"

Frank, I knows you are used to makin' up a good cookin' fire, you 'tend to that part Jerry, see that ere haunch o' venison hangin' from the limb o' that treejest git her down an' cut off some slices, all this here big fry-pan'll hold, an' put some pieces o' salt pork in along with it, 'cause ye see venison is mighty dry.

"I got a job cookin' out there an' Lize here is goin' to wait on table.

But sence I had de privilege er eatin' yo' cookin' an' 'joyin' yo' society, I ain' felt a bit lonesome.

" "He say dey ain't no cookin'

The colored folks cookin' and making the living for their men folks.

Ma, she'll 'polergize like fury and say everything is bad, And "Sich awful luck with cookin'," she is sure she never had; But, er course, she's only bluffin', for it's as prime as it can be,

but I'm just cookin' myself some peas.

All I meant was, 't Ephraim ought not to be doin' his own cookin'that isif you can call it cookin'but then, of course, 'tis cookin'there's all kinds o' cookin'.

My mother and father both farm hands and when my grandmother was no longer able to do the cookin' my mother took her place.

All the work, cookin' an' everything was done by men.

En it got so atter a w'ile dat it wuz all Mars Marrabo's wife could do ter git a 'oman ter stay in de kitchen in de daytime long ernuff ter do de cookin'; en dey wa'n't naer nigger on de plantation w'at would n' rudder take forty dan ter go 'bout dat kitchen atter dark,dat is, 'cep'n' Tenie; she did n' 'pear ter min' de ha'nts.

We come back to Arkansas and I stay with my white folks awhile but I didn't get no pay so I got a job cookin' for a colored woman.

"You won't mind cookin' lunch?"

but I didn't know for a long time, what to be free was, so after the war she hired me and I stayed on doin' all the cookin' and washin' and all the work, and I was hired to her for four dollars a month.

He lives out at Acker's Fishing Lodge now an' does de cookin' for 'em.

Her name is Katie, an' I goes down dere when I gits tired o' eatin' my own cookin'.

De old folks done de cookin' for all de fiel' han's, 'cept on Sund'y when ever' fam'ly cooked for dey ownse'fs.

We all met at one house an' tol' ghost stories, sung plantation songs, an' danced de clog while de candy was cookin'.

Miss Margurite made our dresses an' lak, an' afte' Aunt Harriet died, she done de cookin' too fer all de slabes an' de fambly.

" "On dis plantation dere was 'bout a hunnerd head; cookin' was done in de fireplace in iron pots and de meals was plenty of peas, greens, cornbread burnt co'n for coffeeoften de marster bought some coffee fur us; we got water frum de open well.

As for me, I'd ruther be in the house in a comfortable dress and clean apron, cookin' a good dinner for Josiah, or settin' down knittin' his socks whilst he duz the harder work he is by nater and education fitted for.

59 examples of  cookin'  in sentences