24 examples of cooky in sentences

" "Hush, Cooky!" said Katie; "Miss Percival is here.

" I went up to Cooky and soothed her, told her that I had heard the dog barking too, and that I thought that I did hear something like the shutting of a door in the night.

Cooky rewarded my efforts at sympathy by expressing gladness "that there was one sensible person in the house that had ears fit for Christian purposes.

" "Don't mind her, Miss Percival," Katie said; "she's cross because I wakened her too early; she'll get over it when she has had her breakfast" I gave Katie something to do, telling her to make coffee for Miss Axtell as soon as possible; and with a few more words, meant to be conciliating to Cooky, I took up the glass Katie brought me, and went back.

Not a spot has he to locate a top, or a marble, or a nail, or a string, or a knife, or a cooky, or a nut; but as a bloodless substitute for these necessities of existence, he has a toy watch (that will not go) and an embroidered handkerchief with cologne on it.

Monona, who had previously hidden a cooky in her frock, now remembered it and crunched sidewise, the eyes ruminant.

Fancy offering to the creature called child in cities to-day, lemonade and a caraway cooky and a few pink sugar horns and some walnuts and raisins to carry home in its pocket!

[U.S.]; cookie, cooky

She was in the middle of the baking, with pans of Christmas buns and cooky platters all around her, when the driver drew in the reins at the end of the lane as she had requested.

All the children of the little village loved Katrinka, for she always had a cooky or a dainty in her apron pocket to give them, or she would pat them on their curly heads and smile cheerily at them through her glasses.

Another sister established a 'cooky' business, which grew rapidly.

Can you walk?' 'You bet.' 'Then come along forrard, and we'll see what cooky can do for you.' Cooky's efforts consisted in biscuit, butter, sardines, jam, and lashings of hot strong tea, to all of which Ken did the fullest justice.

Can you walk?' 'You bet.' 'Then come along forrard, and we'll see what cooky can do for you.' Cooky's efforts consisted in biscuit, butter, sardines, jam, and lashings of hot strong tea, to all of which Ken did the fullest justice.

To be sure, she had her own private and special quarrels with "Massa James" when he disputed any of her sovereign orders in the kitchen, and would sometimes pursue him with uplifted rolling-pin and floury hands when he had snatched a gingernut or cooky without suitable deference or supplication, and would declare, roundly, that there "never was sich an aggravatin' young un."

Grandmother's cooky jar.

Jesse F. Orton (Wr); 1Oct57; R200085. ORTON, JESSE F. Grandmother's cooky jar.

Cooky cocker book: a cur-tall-ed history of li'l' Miss Muffet, by Ruth Esleeck Dodd & Loring Holmes Dodd.

Grandmother's cooky jar.

Jesse F. Orton (Wr); 1Oct57; R200085. ORTON, JESSE F. Grandmother's cooky jar.

Cooky cocker book: a cur-tall-ed history of li'l' Miss Muffet, by Ruth Esleeck Dodd & Loring Holmes Dodd.

" "I've noticed since I came here I haven't needed even to peep in the cooky box between times.

Bet a cooky she won't die at that, but if she's going to, I wish she'd hurry up about it.

Suppose you was a happy rattlesnake, Charley, with a large and promisin' fambly; suppose, now, on a frosty thirteenth of October you crawled under the cook-stove to get warm the minute the camp cook opened the door, and, before you limbered up enough to bite him, cooky lays cold and unfeelin' hands upon you and Jams you into the stoveain't the number thirteen goin' to carry unpleasant recollections for you from that on?

For in less time than I write it every Cooky dropped his dish, And our menu was as mucked as our worst enemy could wish; And the way those Cookies chivied in their anger was a sin, And the only dinner left 'em was the cheesewhich I took in.

24 examples of  cooky  in sentences