7021 examples of cools in sentences

Thus, though it is true that sea-water steadily contracts as it cools down to its freezing point, instead of expanding before it reaches its freezing point as fresh water does, the truth has been steadily ignored by even the highest authorities in physical geography, and the erroneous conclusions deduced from their erroneous premises have been widely accepted as if they were ascertained facts.

Boil barley in water, strain it through a hair-sieve, then put the decoction into clarified sugar brought to a candy height, or the last degree of boiling, then take it off the fire, and let the boiling settle, then pour it upon a marble stone rubb'd with the oil of olives, when it cools and begins to grow hard, cut it into pieces, and rub it into lengths as you please.

Oysters, white sauce, or a little cream, may be stirred into the rice before it cools.

This serves them for a bath, which cools, refreshes, and assists them to keep their bodies clear of vermin.

It cools my blood; it cools my brain; Thy lips I feel them, baby!

It cools my blood; it cools my brain; Thy lips I feel them, baby!

'Ay,' he went on; 'and the same heat which crisps those thirsty leaves must breed the thunder-shower which cools them?

It sweeps away that infernal web of self-consciousness, and absorbs me in outward objects; and my red-hot Perillus's bull cools in proportion as my horse warms.

If the exercise be vigorous and the weather hot, a profuse sweat ensues, the rapid evaporation of which cools the body.

The reason is that in dry air the sweat evaporates freely, and cools the skin.

As the sweat evaporates, it absorbs a certain amount of heat, and cools the body to that extent.

After profuse sweating we feel chilly from the evaporation of a large amount of moisture, which rapidly cools the surface.

These colors disappear at longer or shorter intervals after the material written upon cools, but again become apparent upon the reapplication of heat.

This gives a fine effect to the eye, but cools quickly, and is not in the long-run satisfying.

Toward nightfall when the day cools, or if the temperature drops when a storm arises, the baby should, of course, be dressed in such a way as to protect him from chill.

A cake which would otherwise be excellent may be heavy or tough by having to wait till the oven cools down or heats up to the proper temperature.

the Genius breath'd these solemn strains, Soft as the breeze that cools Saboea's plains: "Children of dust!

The damp air, freshened by contact with trickling drops and oozy bogs, and perfumed with spicy cedar, soothes and cools.

Now when iron is heated it swells, and then shrinks again when it cools.

Then when it cools it shrinks, and binds the whole wheel together with a very strong grip.

It is only necessary to heat the nitric acid on the sugar; the sugar dissolves, and there is a violent effervescence, which must be moderated by immersion in cold water: when the mixture cools, crystals of oxalic acid form in abundance, which may be purified by a second crystallization.

If you Soak bread in the Sauce let it be no more than what you put in your Mouth at a time and blow not your broth at Table but Stay till Cools of it Self Chapter viii.

So the gay pamper'd steed with loosen'd reins, Breaks from the stall, and pours along the plains; With large smooth strokes he rushes to the flood, Bathes his bright sides, and cools his fiery blood; Neighs as he flies, and tossing high his head, Snuffs the fair females in the distant mead; At every motion o'er his neck reclin'd, Plays his redundant main, and dances in the wind.

"Once flies he upward, he will perch On Tuba's golden bough; His home is on that fruited arch Which cools the blest below.

And when she cools down a month after, and I got to strip her, there was a hole in the yearth, and a spring o' bilin', scaldin' water pourin' out of it ez big as your waist.

7021 examples of  cools  in sentences