18 examples of copals in sentences

He had imported ivory, red-wood, cam-wood, and gum-copal.

Of his gum-copal he gave me a specimen.

The noise increased as we advanced, and the birds were affrighted by the light of the torches of copal.

The few products of a more advanced civilization which they require, they obtain by the sale of the spontaneous productions of their forests, chiefly wax and resin (pili), apnik, dagiangan (a kind of copal), and some abacá.

As for me, I can wear only concretions and growths; emeralds and all their cousins would be shockingly inharmonious on me; but you know, Lu, how I use Indian spices, and scarlet and white berries and flowers, and little hearts and notions of beautiful copal that Rose carved for you,and I can wear sandal-wood and ebony and pearls, and now this amber.

A stranger might have thought, when I spoke of those copals Rose carved, that Rose was some girl.

She resembled a fine old wainscotted painting with the face and features shining through a thick incrustation of copal varnish.

The correct answer to the riddle propounded in the second letter is "Copal": December 27, 1873.

Unfortunately, I habitually used copal varnish as a medium.

From the copals there oozes, by the holes which certain insects make, an odorous gum, which runs along the ground and collects for the wants of the natives.

Copal-trees, acacias, "bauhinias" of iron-wood, the trunks covered with a dross of lichens on the side exposed to the coldest winds, fig-trees which rose above roots arranged in rows like mangroves, and other trees of magnificent growth, overhung the river.

xochicopal tlenamactli, "the incense of sweet copal," which was burned in the funeral chamber (see Tezozomoc's description of the obsequies of Axayaca, Cron.

COPALLI, n. Resin, gum copal.

In their hands these men held little earthen fire-pans, into which they cast gum anime, which they call copal, with which they perfumed the Spaniards, ordering them to depart from the country on pain of death.

As soon as Montejo landed, the Indians presented him with fowls, bread, and fruit, and perfumed him and his men by burning copal in fire-pans.

While at this place, one Bartholomew Prado went to a temple which stood in the fields, whence he brought some of the perfume used by the Indians, named copal, or, as some call it, gum anime.

He had imported ivory, red-wood, cam-wood, and gum copal.

Of his gum copal he gave me a specimen.

18 examples of  copals  in sentences