155 examples of copyist in sentences

Of course we are speaking of the true creative artist, and not of the laborious copyist.

The judge and the young copyist thus naturally became acquainted, and acquaintance ripened into friendship, for the youth was bright and useful, and made an excellent amanuensis to the learned old lawyer, in whose office both Thomas Jefferson and John Marshall had been students of law.

This Panama seems a blunder of some ignorant copyist, for Panarame.

I am very glad that the handwriting was a favourable omen of the morale of the piece; but you must not trust to that, as my copyist would write out anything I desired in all the ignorance of innocenceI hope, however, in this instance, with no great peril to either.

But after that a certain sort of complaisance, a false copyist of virtue, without any consideration for real duty, arrived at some fluency of language, then wickedness, relying on ability, began to overturn cities, and to undermine the principles of human life.

Witnessing, with pious horror, the grave departures from their rules contained in the drawings of their former favorite, they charged him with error, even as a copyist.

And the same might be said of painting; for, if one hundred painters copy the same figure, an artist will distinguish the copyist.

The ambition was evinced by a certain impatience of the duties of a mere copyist, an unwarrantable usurpation of strictly professional affairs, such as the original drawing up of legal documents.

Every copyist is bound to help examine his copy.

I remembered the bright silks and sparkling faces I had seen that day, in gala trim, swan-like sailing down the Mississippi of Broadway; and I contrasted them with the pallid copyist, and thought to myself, Ah, happiness courts the light, so we deem the world is gay; but misery hides aloof, so we deem that misery there is none.

Formerly I employed him as a copyist; but he has done nothing for me now for some time past.

The author is a copyist of Mr. Hunt, but he is more unintelligible, almost as rugged, twice as diffuse, and ten times more tiresome and absurd than his prototype, who, though he impudently presumed to seat himself in the chair of criticism, and to measure his own poetry by his own standard, yet generally had a meaning.

In the landscapes of Vernet, (when not mere views,) we see the imitator of Salvator, or rather copyist of his lines; and these we have in all their angular nakedness, where rocks, trees, and mountains are so jagged, contorted, and tumbled about, that nothing but an explosion could account for their assemblage.

The most skillful copyist, writing 12 hours a day, can with difficulty do 3,900 letters in an hour, which gives him 46,800 per diem, or 60 pages of a romance.

To his mother he was ever kind and good, and as of old, he would in all his leisure hours gladly help her in her little household affairs, and in the preparation of her dye, and while doing the latter, he would also make trial of different kinds of ink that might be better for his letter imprinting than the thin ink used by the copyist.

The author has not deviated much from the principles adopted in the most approved grammars already in use; nor has he acted the part of a servile copyist.

But to consider prepositions to be adverbs, as Murray here does, or seems to do; and to suppose "the NOUNS time AND place" to be understood in the several examples here cited, as he also does, or seems to do; are singly such absurdities as no grammarian should fail to detect, and together such a knot of blunders, as ought to be wondered at, even in the Compiler's humblest copyist.

TO, &c.; he shows that the doctrine originated not with himself TO and the verb, what FISHER (anno 1800) taught respecting; what, LOWTH, and what, absurdly, MURR., his copyist To, as governing infin., traced from the Sax.

Buchanan was in this case the copyist.

If they are, the good doctor and his worthy copyist have here made an ill choice.

Lennie, and his copyist Bullions, adopt the same notion; but Murray, and many others, suppose them to "have both a present and [a] past signification.

340, n. 3; on children's books, iv. 8, n. 3; conversation too strong for the great, iv. 117; copyist, iv37; dislike of extravagant praise, iii. 225; of singularity, ii. 74, n. 3; doubts her friendship, iv.

Apart, however, from the moralities of the matter, it must in fairness be admitted that in most cases Sterne is no servile copyist.

[Illustration: Scribe or Copyist.

When he was a young man, Baron Schack, it appears, paid him one hundred pounds a year, for all his time, as a copyist in Italy and Spain.'

155 examples of  copyist  in sentences