159 examples of cordon in sentences

It was learned on January 17 that a German sea raider, which had succeeded in slipping through the cordon of British ships, had been preying on commerce in the south Atlantic for six weeks.

" At a previous date, and while hostilities were still in course, Marshal Foch had conferred upon General Pershing the grand cordon of the Legion of Honor.

Demand the cordon of the concierge as if you were a late guest leaving one of the apartments.

The praetorians had to form a cordon in front of the gate, and the street became choked by the impeded traffic.

To neither the right nor the left did we swerve, but moved on, the chapel being directly is front of us; but in a few moments afterwards we found ourselves surrounded by myriads of pots and a mighty cordon of cratesit was the pot fair.

But there was never a man, of all the men who loved Mercy, who did not feel himself, spite of all her frank and loving intimacy, withheld, debarred, separated from her at a certain point, as if there stood drawn up there a cordon of viewless spirits.

A cordon of sentinels was accordingly placed around our resting-place, and some tents were pitched for a portion of the party; the remainder, wrapped in blankets, sleeping on the sand.

It was ordered that one company should be placed each night on advanced outlying picket, another on rear picket, and a third to be stationed at the main guard to furnish sentries as a cordon round the whole extent of the barracks.

He was aware that from the palace his carriage had been followed; that drawn in a cordon around the hotel negro policemen covertly observed him.

In the middle hours of the day it is in order to get a pass to go to Washington, or to visit some of the camps, which now, in the middle of May, begin to form a cordon around the city.

Then, and until the dawn of another day, a cordon of snorers inside of a cordon of sentries surrounds our national capital.

Then, and until the dawn of another day, a cordon of snorers inside of a cordon of sentries surrounds our national capital.

The outer cordon sounds its "All's well"; and the inner cordon, slumbering, echoes it.

The outer cordon sounds its "All's well"; and the inner cordon, slumbering, echoes it.

In order to protect the masonry of the scarp, engineers first lowered the cordon to the level of the covert-way.

A squad of soldiers was placed under Mr. Whithoff's orders and, following his directions, they blew up a cordon of buildings and effectually isolated the flames.

Their method is to join in fleets of 20 or 30 of these pirate vessels together, and then they form what they call a sea cordon, that is, they drop off till there is an interval of 5 or 6 miles between ship and ship, so that they cover something like a hundred miles of sea, and no merchant ship can escape them.

form a cordon of troops around the hostiles and either kill or capture them.

William the Fourth of England presented General Paez, in 1837, with a sword of honor; Louis Philippe of France invested him, in 1843, with the Grand Cordon of the Legion of Honor; and two years later, there arrived from Oscar of Sweden the Cross of the Military Order of the Sword.

With the river on one side and this cordon of foot and horsemen on the other, it seemed that nothing could possibly escape.

Edwards and his cavalcade were approaching the horseshoe, the cordon seemed perfect, though scattering, when the first faint sound of the beaters was heard, and the next moment the barking of two hundred six-shooters was reëchoing up and down the valley of the Salt Fork.

He further expressed the opinion that the line would hold, and at the close with the cordon thickened, everything would be forced into the pocket.

So when this band of antelope decided to adjourn their siesta from the warm, sunny slope of a sand dune, they made an effort and did break the cordon, but not without a protest.

An occasional effective shot was placed, but every time he forced his way through the cordon he was confronted by a second line.

He figured that there were more than a hundred rifles in that silent cordon of men.

159 examples of  cordon  in sentences