146 examples of corduroyed in sentences

He didn't want tohe thought it wasn't the thing for a picnic, but I held him up to it, for I didn't want the people to see him in his corduroy hunting suit.

The over-blouse of blue and white checked silk, slashed at the throat for the crisp black tie, and the gray corduroy riding skirt and smart tan shoes were at once suitable and becoming.

" In a few moments she came out, a heavy corduroy robe and slippers protecting her against the night air.

Gradually, as they advanced west, the roads became more and more rough and were only passable in many places by logs having been placed side by side, forming what was termed corduroy roads.

He was dressed, or rather undressed, in an old brown coat, red waistcoat, old corduroy smallclothes, much soiled, woollen hose, and slippers without heels.

He made his appearance in a plain coat, a plain waist-coat, and a pair of plain blue-coloured corduroy trousers; and as he went up the steps of the pulpit, people not only wondered where he came from, but who his tailor was.

Furrow N. furrow, groove, rut, sulcus [Anat.], scratch, streak, striae, crack, score, incision, slit; chamfer, fluting; corduroy road, cradle hole.

Adj. furrowed &c v.; ribbed, striated, sulcated [Anat.], fluted, canaliculated^; bisulcous^, bisulcate^, bisulcated^; canaliferous^; trisulcate^; corduroy; unisulcate^; costate^, rimiform^. 260.

In cold weather the school-girls wear snug hoods, or little fur turbans; and boys have the picturesque and almost indestructible bérets of cloth or corduroy.

Tragedy is reserved for those of high estate; a wanderer in corduroy, "such as labourers wear here in the south," can tell the story of his chatelaine and her lovers with the self-repression of a humbler Henry Esmond, winning nothing for himself even at the last, yet feeling he is still in Nature's debt.

He had a blue robe, bright-red, soft boots, a white turban wound with a sort of scarf of brown cord and baggy corduroy underneath, concealing various mysterious pockets.

In the corner of the room with Mr. Squeers was a very small deal trunk, tied round with a scanty piece of cord, and on the trunk was perchedhis lace-up half-boots and corduroy trousers dangling in the aira diminutive boy, with his shoulders drawn up to his ears, and his hands planted on his knees, who glanced timidly at the schoolmaster from time to time, with evident dread and apprehension, and at last gave a violent sneeze.

Yes, I remember very well.' Pat had come to tell him that there was work to be had in Tinnick, but that he didn't dare to show himself in Tinnick for lack of clothes, and he stood humbly before the priest in a pair of corduroy trousers that hardly covered his nakedness.

It did not need much courage to swim across the lake, much more to leave the parish, and once on the other side he must go any whither, no whither, for he couldn't return to Catherine in a frieze coat and a pair of corduroy trousers.

At this rate it took them a week to shoot a breakfast; but to see them sally forth, splendid in velveteen and corduroy, with top-boots and a complete harness of green cord and patent-leather straps, you would have imagined that all game-birds were about to become extinct in that region.

It is hung on leather springs, so as to be fitted to maintain the shocks of a corduroy road.

But the pushing crowd impaired his aim, and it was only a glancing blow that met the jaw of the corduroyed standard bearer.

The corduroy pants.

SEE Corduroy.

A little farther on a wet, laurel-bordered road into the woods was being corduroyed; here they were bridging the lazy and discoloured waters of a creek, there erecting log huts.

A neighbour in a pair of corduroy trousers, supported by one brace worn diagonally, shambled across the road.

The questioner was a tall young man in corduroy trousers and high boots, a blue flannel shirt and a nondescript hatthough the hat had come off as he approached the garden, where Sally Lane, in blue gingham and short sleeves, was carefully setting out some spice-pink roots.

Lorry was roping the packs next morning when Dorothy appeared in her new silver-gray corduroy riding-habita surprise that she had kept for an occasion.

Many of the roads leading thereto had been paved with tamarac poles, making what is now known as corduroy roads.

We come to a sort of corduroy path, where some enterprising landowner has placed logs across the trail, with the object of facilitating travel.

146 examples of  corduroyed  in sentences