850 examples of corking in sentences

Hold for a few moments, in the neck of the bottle, two or three lighted matches, and when they have filled the bottle neck with gas, and before they go out, remove them very quickly; instantly cork the bottle closely, and dip it in bottle cement.

The corking-boot is buckled by a strap to the knee, the bottle placed in it, and the cork, after being squeezed in the press, driven in by a flat wooden mallet.

The happy moment when his ingenuity was to be rewarded, had now arrived, and the land agent was about to commence the process of mastication, or of deglutition rather, for he troubled himself very little with the first operation, when the report of a cork drew his attention towards the chaimpaigne.

Gloria would be in good hands and ought to have a corking good time; he wished he could get away to go along.

It makes a corking, elegant story about two of our brightest Gridley lads.

"No,not so very big, but she's about as fast as anything in her class, and a corking sea-boat.

"It would be a corking good stunt if we could, though.

Then later she came and told me you were out there, and I thought it was corking of you to come and tell them they couldn't put that over on College Hill.

Scenes as your boat goes in them, and the waters rise, and then go down again, ought to make a corking picture!" Mr. Hadley was growing enthusiastic.

Isn't that corking!" John Wingfield, Sr. shrugged his shoulders, but did not express his feelings with any remark.

Corking chap, the prince; democratic, you know, and all that sort of thing.

We'd get a week of excitement, more advertising than we'd ordinarily get in a year; you get a corking news story, and find Jennie Brice at the end, getting the credit for that.

"I'll bet it is a corking story," she added unacademically.

Ted came after me like the corking big-hearted kid he is and brought me to, in half the time I could have done it for myself.

Later he went to the hop and had a corking time, stayed till the last violin swooned off into silence, then sauntered with deliberate leisureliness toward Prof. Hathaway's house with Elsie on his arm.

Just before I left I said to Helen: 'Well there's at least one relative of mine who will have sense enough to appreciate you, and that's my corking cousin Katie Jones!'

"That's a corking hat you got on," he commented.

And I suppose you've always known how to do those corking fine embroideries that the priests are so stuck on?

You don't appreciateyou can't appreciatewhat a corking assignment it is.

Corking scheme, isn't it?

"Old Murger has got a real corking English hunter in.

I'd like to read her a corking good story once."

"Bud and Dandy were a corking little team.

"We'll make a corking team to do business, Lettis, I can see thatso cautious and full of tricks, and all that.

A corking funny idea!" "All the characters who pass before the eyes of the man spying upon them are amusing, even the man who kills himself.

850 examples of  corking  in sentences