57 examples of corne in sentences

Walker's case was that he had an actual witness, as to the identity of his assailants, in the person of McGovoch, a discharged soldier, who laid information against one civilian, three British officers, and the celebrated French-Canadian leader, La Corne de St Luc.

Would I had rather in poore Gabii bin Or Ulubrae a ragged Magistrate, Sat as a Iudge of measures and of corne Then the adored Monarke of the world.

Hot was the day In which whole fields of men were swept away, As by sharpe Sithes are cut the golden corne And in as short time.

In autumne, whan the sunne in vyrgyne, By radyante hete, enryped hath our corne, When Luna, full of mucabylyte, As Emperes the dyademe hath worne Of our Pole artyke, smylynge half in scorne, At our foly, and our unstedfastnesse, The tyme

Heaven did not weepe, but in its swelling eye Whole Seas of Rhume and moist Catarrs did lie, Which so bespauld the lower world, men see Corne blasted and the fruit of every tree; Aire was condenst to water gainst their wish, And all their foule was turn'd to flying Fish; Like watermen they throng'd to ply a fare, As though it had been navigable Aire.

From the great port of Chatigan they cary for the Indies great store of rice, very great quantitie of Bombast cloth of euery sort, Suger, corne, and money, with other marchandize.

Nowe for instance There's but one refuge left mee, that's to flye: The gates are shutt upon mee and myself Am a badd foottman, yet these difficultyes I can thus helpe; there to this place beelonges A mare that every second d[a]yes' imployde To carry corne and fetch meele from the mill, Distant som half league off; I by this beast Will fashion myne escape.

Why, buy up all the corne and make a dearth, So thousands of them will die under stalles.

What though we send unto the foes our corne To fatten them, and cloth to keepe them warme, Lets not be so forgetfull of our selves As to provide them with knives to cut our throates:

This corne and twentie times as much Alreadie covertly convai'd to France, And other bordering Kingdomes neere the sea, Cannot but make a famine in this land; And then the poore, like dogs, will die apace.

complaints against my worthy brothers For corne transported, Copper money stampt, Our subjects goods ceaz'd, and I know not what.

Save ye mine Host, heeres a parcell of Corne was directed to be delivered at your house.

He changed his mind, ran to the door and called to the young man to corne back.

Artists say that this temple, although entirely modern, surpasses in the beauty of its detail, both in design and workmanship, any of the old temples in India which people corne thousands of miles to see.

August, September, and October, with that permission which the Lord hath allowed the poorer sorte to gather the eares of corne, they do much harme.

Can History cut my hay, or get my Corne in?

As a cold nipping shadow Does ore eares of Corne, and leave 'em blasted, Put up your anger, what Ile do Ile do.

Les chevaux monstrueux ont la corne au frontail; Si Satan est berger, c'est son noir bétail.

Il a nettoyé ses flèches ainsi que sa corne de boeuf, et les ossements des héros qui ne sont plus blanchissent déjà pour l'éternité.'

it was "a wyve's occupation to winnow all manner of cornes, to make malte, to wash and ironyng, to make hay, shere corne, and in time of nede to help her husband fill the muchpayne, drive the plough, load hay, corne, and such other, and go or ride to the market to sell butter, cheese, egges, chekyns, capons, hens, pigs, geese, and all manner of cornes."

it was "a wyve's occupation to winnow all manner of cornes, to make malte, to wash and ironyng, to make hay, shere corne, and in time of nede to help her husband fill the muchpayne, drive the plough, load hay, corne, and such other, and go or ride to the market to sell butter, cheese, egges, chekyns, capons, hens, pigs, geese, and all manner of cornes."

Is it not possible to find sauery hearbs among netles, roses among prickles, berries among bushes, marrow among bones, grain among stubble, and a little corne among a great deale of chaffe?

Of Boxes to alter one graine into another, or to consume the graine or corne to nothing.

First they haue a boxe couered or rather footed alike at each end, the bottome of the one end being no deeper then as it may containe one lane of corne or pepper, glewed there vpon.

How to conuey (with words and charmes) the corne conteyned in one Box, into another.

57 examples of  corne  in sentences