16 examples of corrado in sentences

I am under special obligation to Sir Charles Dilke, Mr Oscar Browning, Professor Novati, Professor Corrado Ricci, Commandant Espérandieu, Professor Cumont, Professor Stilling and Mr Höchberg.

SEE Ricci, Corrado.

SEE Ricci, Corrado.

SEE Foster, William. RICCI, CORRADO.

SEE Ricci, Corrado. STUDEBAKER, JOHN WARD Manual of directions for Compass diagnostic tests in arithmetic. R108476.

CORRADO, SERGIO, executor of the Estate of Angiolo Silvio Novaro.

Sergio Corrado (E); 12Apr63; R313816.

By Corrado Della Gatta & Francesco Fiore.

SEE Ricci, Corrado.

SEE Ricci, Corrado.

SEE Foster, William. RICCI, CORRADO.

SEE Ricci, Corrado. STUDEBAKER, JOHN WARD Manual of directions for Compass diagnostic tests in arithmetic. R108476.

CORRADO, SERGIO, executor of the Estate of Angiolo Silvio Novaro.

Sergio Corrado (E); 12Apr63; R313816.

By Corrado Della Gatta & Francesco Fiore.

At a yet earlier period Italian writers in the learned tongue had taken as the subjects of their plays stories from classical legend and myth, and among these we find not only recognized tragedy themes such as the rape of Polyxena dramatized by Lionardo Bruni, but tales such as that of Progne put on the stage by Gregorio Corrado, both of which preceded by many years the work of Politian and Correggio.

16 examples of  corrado  in sentences