143 examples of correspondingly in sentences

But where, as is more commonly the case, the soil is coarse and bouldery, the vegetation is correspondingly rank.

This urgently necessary improvement of the men's rations remains illusory, if a correspondingly larger quantity of flour (about one wagon per day) is not supplied to us.

The girl correspondingly is transformed into a vivacious, gay, nervous and apprehensive butterfly, or a sedate, dreamy, bashful, or even morose moth.

It had been a well-earned victory, and they were correspondingly happy.

The great man was certainly a good "six feet two," and all his bodily proportions were correspondingly ample.

So great was his popularity, that his influence correspondingly increased and he was chosen prior of his famous convent.

But, as the mass and momentum of modern society is prodigious, it will require a correspondingly prodigious energy to carry it safely from an unstable to a stable equilibrium.

Englishmen have a strong sense of political responsibility, and a correspondingly weak sense of intellectual responsibility.

Dick's hopes were roused by this spectacle, but sank correspondingly when Grandison returned to the hotel.

and he was correspondingly delighted by this manifestation of it.

Ain't there enough houses in Tunwich without 'im a-coming and living next door to me?" For a whole week the brain concealed in Mr. Grummit's bullet-shaped head worked in vain, and his temper got correspondingly bad.

He had the gift of making himself very realand correspondingly attractivein those notes.

It was plain sailing for him now, and he was correspondingly elated.

more than the country markets in their favor for the articles they had to dispose of, and correspondingly lower for those they had to purchase.

As the days wore on the girls became more devoted to him than ever, and he became correspondingly unbearable.

Since the scholars of Confucius's type specialized in the knowledge and conduct of ceremonies, Confucius gave ritualism a correspondingly important place both in spiritual and in practical life.

She glimpsed it only as a tribute to her performance, so immense that she had to be halted in the middle, and felt correspondingly elated.

Here was a case, however, where the quid pro quo loomed not at all, and the author of the "Careless Husband" became correspondingly disgusted.

As such, his capacity for evil was greatly increased and his chances of ultimate salvation correspondingly worsened.

The color had now appeared in Alma's cheeks, as if hope had again sprung in her heart, and I fancied that Halsey Post saw his claim on her favor declining correspondingly.

The dados outside the Taj are similar in design to these, though larger and correspondingly bolder in style.

Sweet indeed is the community of interest, delightful the intercourse which a common foible begets; but correspondingly bitter and distressful is the forced union of nervous zeal and pitiless indifference.

Its church is correspondingly small, with a low N. tower surmounted by a pyramidal roof.

If her resemblance to the mistress of the house was as remarkable as he had been led to believe, her entrance to the place would be comparatively easy of accomplishment, and the danger of discovery correspondingly small.

First a fortified city gate, standing in a correspondingly fortified wall, it became a dilapidated granary and storehouse in the Middle Ages, when one of the archbishops gave leave to Simeon, a wandering hermit from Syracuse in Sicily, to take up his abode there; and another turned it into a church dedicated to this saint, tho of this change few traces remain.

143 examples of  correspondingly  in sentences