10344 examples of cos in sentences

Cos, or Luccos (Loukkos), which forms a secure port, but of so difficult access, that vessels of two hundred tons can scarcely enter it.

Cos I deserves it.' "They all laughed agin, and Bill Chambers laughed so 'arty that 'e joggled Peter Gubbins's arm and upset 'is beer.

I planned an engine for describing ellipses by the polar equation A/(1 + e cos theta) and tried to make a micrometer with silk threads converging to a point.

Honest emulation in studies, in all callings is not to be disliked, 'tis ingeniorum cos, as one calls it, the whetstone of wit, the nurse of wit and valour, and those noble Romans out of this spirit did brave exploits.

"Becos," said Mr. Smith, in a grating voice, "be-cos for one thing 'e'd be a rich man then and could 'ave 'is pick.

" "That's cos ye've got no eyes," remarked Jim Scraggs, with a sneer, as he stepped forward.

Avolio; a Legend of the Inland of Cos, with other Poems, Lyrical, Miscellaneous, and Dramatic.

Avolio; a Legend of the Island of Cos.

hedn't gut his i teeth cut cos he looked a kindo's though he 'd jest cum down, so he cal'lated to hook him in, but Hosy woodn't take none o his sarse for all he hed much as 20 Rooster's tales stuck onto his hat and eenamost enuf brass a bobbin up and down on his shoulders and figureed onto his coat and trousis, let alone wut nater hed sot in his featers, to make a 6 pounder out on.

Referring to the verses enclosed, the writer says: If you print em I wish you'd jest let folks know who hosy's father is, cos my ant Kesiah used to say it's nater to be curus ses she, she aint livin though and he's a likely kind o lad.

If she ca'n' marry one man cos she love him, she marry another man cos she hate him.

If she ca'n' marry one man cos she love him, she marry another man cos she hate him.

It's harrd to think father and mother leave their souls fightin' in their childern, cos th' love was wantin' to make them one here.

" "It ain't only becos her feet are little, but cos she's got them beautiful shoes like wot's in picters," said another.


Don't you expect me to take you up and point you out as my son-in-law, cos I won't do it.



"War-Eagle hate me," whispered the maiden, "cos I no be his squaw; but we must go before they return."

"Don't talk to me," ses Ginger, "cos I won't have it.

"It can't be roses," he ses, in a puzzled voice, "be-cos there ain't no roses hereabouts, and, besides, it's late for 'em.

In Cos the lads and lasses dance round the bonfires on St. John's Eve.

Bishop Pedro Gutierres de Cos, who founded the San Juan Conciliar Seminary in 1832, established a library in connection with it, the remains of which are still extant in the old seminary building, but much neglected and worm-eaten.

[Footnote 40: Dry rot in factory timbers, by Inspection Dept. Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Cos., 31 Milk Street, Boston, 1913.]

HALICARNASSUS, a Greek city, and the chief of Caria, in Asia Minor, on the sea-coast opposite the island of Cos, the birthplace of Herodotus; celebrated for the tomb of Mausolus, called the MAUSOLEUM (q. v.).

10344 examples of  cos  in sentences