6379 examples of countenance in sentences

As he returned to consciousness he looked wildly about him, and clasping little Birdie's hand in his, gazed at her with a tender imploring countenance: yet it was a despairing looksuch a one as a shipwrecked seaman gives when, in sight of land, he slowly relaxes his hold upon the sustaining spar that he has no longer the strength to clutch, and sinks for ever beneath the waters.

It looked as if the waves of grief had beaten upon it for a long succession of years, until they had tempered down its harsher peculiarities, giving a subdued appearance to the whole countenance.

" Lizzie raised the wick of the lamp in accordance with his desire, and then sat down with an expression of annoyance and vexation on her countenance.

Go out of the room, sir!" exclaimed Mr. Stevens, with a disturbed countenance.

She sat up, a more natural color over-spreading her countenance, and she murmured inarticulately a few words of thanks, while the kind-hearted steward hastened away again in search of the doctor.

Large almost to a fault, of that dark, clear blue which is too perfect and too transparent ever to look black even under the shadow of such long, thick eyelashes as shaded them in the present instance, they were perfectly magnificent; and their lustrous azure and ever-varying expression lent to the mobile countenance of their possessor its most potent and peculiar charm.

He was a tall, stalwart-looking young man, fair-haired and blue-eyed, like his elder brother, but his frank, joyous expression and winning manners bore no resemblance to the sullen countenance and surly demeanor of Clement.

Her complexion is pale and rather sallow, and her countenance is full of expression, which varies constantly when she talks.

"And who, then, is she?" Mrs. Rutherford turned toward him and fixed on his face her tear-bathed eyes, as though sight were restored to her, and she were trying to read his thoughts in his countenance.

Yet, wondering how of late she grew estranged, Her forehead cloudy, and her countenance changed, She thought this hour the occasion would present To learn her secret cause of discontent, Which well she hoped might be with ease redress'd, Considering her a well-bred civil beast, And more a gentlewoman than the rest.

But my people, many of them, will lay up a month, at the end of which no visible change in their countenance nor the loss of an ounce of flesh is discoverable; and their allowance of provision is going on as if nothing ailed them."

But I apprehended it by her countenance and deportment, whereupon I repaired to my host to learn of him the cause, for that I understood before that she had been a queen in her own countrey, and observed a very humble and dutiful garb used towards her by another negro who was her maid.

But more than all, we missed the quiet, sunburnt, gentlemanly, young giant whose pleasant countenance and strapping figure were always welcome at Caddagat.

You see them all of one genial dining-countenance, yet this day they fought each other in the streets below, and to-morrow again....

The Destiny Master can smile in pity at a poor brain, brutalized through bodily lusts, but white with anger is the countenance that regards a spirit, maimed and sick from being yoked together with a proud mind.

[AHASUERUS falls back, and a look of deep peace overspreads his countenance.

As she was seated in grief beside the Fount of Trevi, Oswald, who had paused there at the same moment, saw her countenance reflected in the water.

She was also called "Fleur-de-Marie," doubtless on account of the maiden purity of her countenance.

The woman was old and her green eye, hooked nose, and countenance, at once reminded Rudolph of the horrible woman of whom Goualeuse had been the victim.

Her countenance somewhat grave and haughty, on occasion brightens with humour or beams with kindliness and affection.

The gray dawn came on, and Charlton was presently able to trace the lineaments of the well-known countenance.

And by so much as his countenance had changed and hers remained fixed, had he drifted away from her.

Her expression of countenance induced most persons to address her with a deference inconsistent with her station, and which nevertheless she received with easy composure.

Deference can always be better expressed in the voice, manner, and countenance than in any forms of words.

Deference can always be better expressed in the voice, manner, and countenance than in any forms of words.

6379 examples of  countenance  in sentences