789 examples of coups in sentences


Their Press is the victim of a regular coup de main; their Strikes are daily evidences of coups de mains; their Legislature suffers continually from coup de théâtre; and their Emperor is perpetually threatened with a coup de grace.

The Lone Wolf seems to have exercised a fair amount of ingenuity and prudence in making his coups; and inasmuch as he had no confederates, not a living soul in his confidence, there was no one who could sell him to the authorities.

Oh, I have made some great coups in the last eight or nine years, Ivor!...

It might be true that, as Lady Diantha had declared, wherever Michael Lanyard showed himself in open pursuit of his avowed avocation as a collector of rare works of artin London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, or where-notthere in due sequence the Lone Wolf would consummate one of his fantastic coups.

Madame de Sévigné tells the story in a letter to her daughter, Madame de Grignan: "Elle (Ninon) voulut l'autre jour lui faire donner des lettres de la comedienne (Champmêlé); il les lui donna; elle en était jalouse; elle voulait les donner à un amant de la princesse, afin de lui faire donner quelque coups de baudrier.

aussi estoit de ceux qui luy tirient des coups d'espee, luy dit, Kai sy tecnon?

At certain dances and religious ceremonies, like that of the Medicine Lodge, the warriors countedor rather re-countedtheir coups.

While the coup was primarily, and usually, a blow with something held in the hand, other acts in warfare which involved great danger to him who performed them were also reckoned coups by some tribes.

Nothing gave a man a higher place in the estimation of the people than the counting of coups, for, I repeat, personal bravery is of all qualities the most highly respected by Indians.

On special occasions, as has been said, men counted over again in public their coups.

There is now in my possession an illuminated cowskin, presented to me by Mr. J. Kipp, which contains the record of the coups and the most striking events in the life of Red Crane, a Blackfoot warrior, painted by himself.

When he was brought into the camp, the women and children threw dirt on him and counted coups on him, pounding him with sticks and clubs.

When all the material has been brought to the spot where the lodge is to be erected, that warrior who, during the previous year, has done the most cutting and stabbing in battle is selected to cut the rawhide to bind it, and while he cuts the strings he counts three coups.

And now, during the four days, outside the lodge, goes on the counting of the coups.

Another warrior took a lighted brand from the fire, and counted four coups, at the end of each coup touching the pipe bowl with the brand.

Le docteur, qui survient, veut flapper la mule à coups de cravache.

Des murmures et des coups de sifflet s'élèvent, et l'acteur, peu habitué à ce genre de traitement, se fâche et lâche tout haut le mot: Imbéciles!

" En quelques coups de crayon, Vernet eut bien vite terminé une charmante esquisse du guerrier, que celui-ci emporta triomphant.

BASTONNADE, f., volée de coups de bâton.

BECQUETER, donner des coups de bec.

Les nuit coups de l'horloge.

LES HUIS COUPS DE L'HORLOGE, par Maurice Leblanc.

"Tous les ans," says Sainte Croix, "pendant les jours consacrés au souvenir de sa mort, tout étoit plongé dans la tristesse: on ne cessoit de pousser des gémissemens; on alloit même jusqu'à se flageller et se donner des coups.

'Now mind, Dancourt,' said one of those grands seigneurs to the leading actor of the day, 'if you're more amusing than I am at dinner to-night, je te donnerai cent coups de bâtons.'

789 examples of  coups  in sentences