137 examples of courageously in sentences

[Then he struts courageously in with 'em.

"It all rather makes me like him," Gertie affirmed courageously.

For two days Imtiazan tended by the musicians and their wives was a prey to the blackest despair, and then deeming it useless to protest, she set herself courageously to do her husband's bidding and to dance as she had danced in the house of Gowhar Jan.

But the Grisons rose courageously to defend their freedom, as did all the Confederates.

Toil on, sad heart, courageously, And thou shall find thy dream to be A noonday light and truth to thee.

They place their captives in the front of battle, and if they do not fight courageously they are put to the sword.

Lady Elgin is bearing up courageously, under a great pressure of labour and anxiety.

It may be the truth, the whole truth will only be known to the world in some distant century; but he, anxious to hasten its advent and prevent the irreparable, courageously stakes all that he has, person, position, fame, affections, and friendships. . . .

It might have hid mysterious and questionable things, but it said laconically 'Push,' and he courageously pushed...

Robert does not even take to work as something beyond himself, uninteresting and painful, which, however, must be done courageously: he lives in it, enjoys it as his proper element, one which is no more a burden and an exertion to him than the rush of the strid is to the trout who plays and feels in it day and night, unconscious of the amount of muscular strength which he puts forth in merely keeping his place in the stream.

IPHIGENIA Oh, couldst thou see the struggle of my soul, Courageously to ward the first attack Of an unhappy doom, which threatens me!

Courageously she was resolving that she would take the first opportunity to escape from this boresome routine of pleasure-seeking.

" "Then we'll get it back again," said Robert courageously.

" Joe spoke courageously.

But her courage had never forsaken her; 'she most courageously withstood all Angria's base usage, and endured his insults beyond expectation.'

"A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.

Let all the Hidden Children weep for Suskind, whose heart and life was April, and who plotted courageously against the orderings of unimaginative gods, and who has been butchered to preserve the hair of a quite ordinary child.

Some persons joined him, but could obtain nothing, the tow-rope was let go: we considered it as certain, that the commander of the other boats, on seeing the chief of the expedition courageously devote himself, would have come and resumed their posts:

"Yes," he said courageously.

Ascending to the Greeks, we may cite Robert Burton's summing up of one of their legends: "Thirteen proper young men lost their lives for that fair Hipodamia's sake, the daughter of Onomaus, King of Elis: when that hard condition was proposed of death or victory [in a race], they made no account of it, but courageously for love died, till Pelops at last won her by a sleight.

It is undoubtedly hard to be compelled to give up country, mother, and friends; but one must face these great strokes of destiny courageously.

In the mean while, the insurgent army was in position near Bologna, and also still occupied the two cities of Terni and Soleta, which they had courageously defended against the papal troops.

Mr. Ogle courageously proceeds: 'The fear of a charge of trades unionism has long kept librarians silent, but this matter is one of public importance, and affects educational progress.

she was nervous, but courageously stood her ground.

As Harriet walked slowly down the street, a more courageously dressed woman than she had been for years, her chin quivered and she shook with sobs heroically choked back.

137 examples of  courageously  in sentences