83 examples of crap in sentences

"Nothing on earth to hender a man from raisin' a crap off 'n itef he could once git the leathers on a good stout, willin' pa'r o' hawks or buzzards, an' a plough hitched to 'em."

"You don't mean you put up your medal on a crap game, Tump?" "Sho do, black man."

" A moment's reflection told Peter how simple and natural it was for Pack to prize his military medal as a good-luck piece to be used as a last resort in crap games.

The crap-shooters, negro and white, squatted in a circle on the cabin floor, snapping their fingers and calling their points monotonously.

"How the hell can he arrest him when he hit town this minute?" "Wh-why, Bobbs had an old warrant for crap-shootthree years old before the war.

"Arrested him on an old crap charge?" The little man nodded.

These places were crap-shooters' circles, where black and white men squatted to shoot dice.

It was the usual crap-shooter's offering.

He, Peter Siner, would be grouped with the boot-leggers and crap-shooters and women-chasers who filled Niggertown with their brawls.

Tump didn't haf to, because he'd jes shot fo' natchels in a crap game.

[Med.]; evacuation, dejection, faeces, excrement, shit, stools, crap [Vulg.]; bloody flux; cacation^; coeliac-flux, coeliac- passion; dysentery; perspiration, sweat; subation^, exudation; diaphoresis; sewage; eccrinology [Med.].

[U.S.]; lientery^; garbage, carrion; excreta &c 299; slough, peccant humor, pus, matter, suppuration, lienteria^; faeces, feces, excrement, ordure, dung, crap [Vulg.], shit [Vulg.]; sewage, sewerage; muck; coprolite; guano, manure, compost.

Oliver recognized the crap tableselongated mahogany figure eights, surrounded by players leaning over the action.

Oliver put them in his pocket and walked toward the crap tables.

As he neared the crap tables again, a bar hostess with long legs in black mesh stockings asked if he wanted a drink.

They'd give 'em a little sompin outer dat crap.

At the horse races of the whites the jockeys and many of the spectators were negroes; while from the cock fights and even the "crap" games of the blacks, white men and boys were not always absent.

"En in de meantime," counselled Aunt Dolcey, "it'll come in mighty handy fer you to kill off some deseyer chicken hawks what makin' so free wid our nex' crap br'ilers.

good dat summer till de crap was laid by, he'd let 'em git married en' hab a weddin' down ter de quarters.

wuz no use talkin', he couldn' 'ford ter buy no new ban's, en' he'd ha' ter sen' fer Cindy, 'en put her in de fiel'; fer de cotton-crap wuz a monst'us big 'un dat year, en' Cindy wuz one er de bes' cotton-pickers on de plantation.

Where Mr. Travis hung out with a bunch of no-good crap-shooting black buck niggers, Mr. Raffin's orchestral duties brought him into the most cultured s'ciety.

Now, Mr. Travis was ordinarily a very garrulous and vociferous crap shooter, but to-night he was savagely silent.

No, sir, my po'try 's like the corn crap in August.

there's aye maist sawn o' the best crap?

"Weel," rejoined the other, "I am of opinion that if your lordship were to carry out the dung in your waistcoat pocket, ye might bring hame the crap in your greatcoat pocket.

83 examples of  crap  in sentences