66 examples of crassest in sentences

At the bottom of his heart he shared Patricia's regret that the Stapylton pedigree was unadorned by a potentate, because nobody can stay unimpressed by a popular superstition, however crass the thing may be.

She must abdicate her mere crass insistence on commercial supremacy.

The work teems with unjust, incorrect opinions; is full of crass ignorance and grotesque exaggerations, which lead the unlearned astray, injure Germany's cause, and annoy those who know betterso far as they do not excite ridicule.

It is when the young go out of the nest on their first foraging that the parents, full of a crass and simple pride, make their indescribable chucklings of gobbling, gluttonous delight.

The first is that a revolt was inevitable from the crass materialism of the cruder science that had taken possession of men's minds, for as a wicked but witty writer has said, "If there were no God we should be obliged to invent one."

Sure, I made a cris-crass that spelt Paddy Malone.

Afterwards, it is true, Vienna intervened to rob the Bulgarians of the fruits of victory and argued that Serbia was thus under her debt; but this crass application of the principle of divide et impera could not deceive any one.

Selfish as it is possible to be, crass, heavy, ugly, unfaithful in marriage, unclean, impure, incapable apparently of understanding the good and the true in their neighbours and in lifesuch is the Russian bourgeois.

But who sees not the crass hypocrisy of this whole transaction, and the sandy and rotten foundation of all the resolutions flowing hereupon?"See Parliamentary History, xix.

Their sterile heads take naturally to the path of negation; so they begin to deny truths that have long been admittedthe vital power, for example, the sympathetic nervous system, generatio equivoca, Bichat's distinction between the working of the passions and the working of intelligence; or else they want us to return to crass atomism, and the like.

If this is so, it offers another instance of the crass optimism of these religions,denouncing suicide to escape being denounced by it.

Corpore sunt et animo fortiores spurii, plerumque ob amoris vehementiam, seminis crass.

The crass assumptions in Mandeville's reasoning are evident at a glance.

From the most radical idealism (the objective world a product of representation) he makes a sharp transition to the crassest materialism (thought a function of the brain); first matter is to be a mere idea, now thought is to be merely a material phenomenon!

No one, however crass, could have failed to be touched by this token of a grief so bitter as to refuse luxurious nutriment.

From the few dozen pirates left, he had hand-selected five competent leaders to be his lieutenants: Gebbeth, Crass, Lather, Bolcher, and Slant.

Better off for what?" "Don't be a fool yourself, Crass!"

After that, Crass, you'll take care of the rest.

"Immersed in a life of crass material endeavour," small wonder that the American had remained in spiritual poverty of the most debasing sort until the New Dawn should come to enrich him, to topple in ruins an exploiting social system.

Indeed, he had disliked and distrusted Madame de Flahaut from the first time of meeting her, and, to do the lady justice, she had disliked Mr. Calvert just as heartily and could never be got to believe that he was anything but a most unintelligent and uninteresting young man, convinced that his taciturnity and unruffled serenity before her charms were the signs of crass stupidity.

He will go through much the same work to-morrow; combating the irritating misrepresentations, exposing suppressors, discovering the truth under a mountain of crass stupidity and wilful deceit.

He could just recall her as a gentle and dignified presence, in contrast with whom his burly, loud-voiced father had always seemed crass and ordinary.

Men ever were most blessed, till crass fate Brought Love and Women forth, unfortunate To all that ever tasted of their smiles, Whose actions are all double, full of wiles: Like to the subtil Hare, that 'fore the Hounds Makes many turnings, leaps and many rounds, This way and that way, to deceive the scent Of her pursuers.

These object-lessons learnt by rote, As once we learnt your poison-gas, Your pupils now are shocked to note How Teuton wits, a little crass, Mistake for rude assault and battery Our imitation's feeble flattery.

"And do you find merit in crass treason, sir?" burst out McDonald, striking the table with clinched fist.

66 examples of  crassest  in sentences