237 examples of credential in sentences

And lapsing into Ingalik, he endorsed this credential not to be denied.

(1 and 2 combined) Creed, credulous, credential, credit, accredit, discredit, incredible. Sentences:

She reached the scene, exhibited her credentials, and breathlessly issued demands which would have made Gaston's hair stand on end.

"What countersign?" said I, remembering to my consternation that I had forgotten to secure that important credential.

Jeffrey and Brougham were seethed in their own milk; and outsiders, whose credentials were still being examined, as Moore and Campbell, came in for their share of vigorous vituperation.

" [Illustration: ] Her genial disposition and good temper disarmed difference of opinion of anything harsh or unpleasant, and formed another credential for the prominence she attained in society.

And so with most constituencies, and the result is a legislative body consisting largely of men of unknown character and obscure aims, whose only credential is the wearing of a party label.

Saluting Madame de Montalais with calculated ceremony, one acting as spokesman offered to present their credentials.

In the town you are going to, a boiled shirt is a credential.

[Illustration: CHILDREN GO TO CHURCH] Readiness to teach is no longer a sufficient credential.

The palace prefect in his cloak of cloth of gold, with his ivory wand of office, seemed a high priest of eternity; subprefects, standing in the marble antechamber to examine visitors' credentials and see that none passed in improperly attired, were keepers of Olympus.

admission &c (assent) 488; authority, warrant, credential, diploma, voucher, certificate, doquet^, docket; testamur^; record &c 551; document; pi ce justificative^; deed, warranty &c (security) 771; signature, seal &c (identification) 550; exhibit, material evidence, objective evidence.

I have the credential that I trust to God in heaven, to justice on earth; that I offend no laws, but cling to the protection of laws.

I have the credential of my people's undeniable confidence and its unshaken faith, to my devotion, to my manliness, to my honesty, and to my patriotism; which faith I will honestly answer without ambition, without interest, as faithfully as ever, but more skilfully, because schooled by adversities.

And I have the credential of the justice of the cause I plead, and of the wonderful sympathy, which, not my person, but that cause, has met and meets in two hemispheres.

On this account, in his answer to Ormond, he was compelled to shift his ground, and to assert that he had no recollection of any such warrant; that it was indeed possible he might have furnished the earl with some credential to the Irish Catholics; but that if he did, it was only with an understanding that it should not be employed without the knowledge and the approbation [Footnote 1: Clarendon Papers, ii. 213.

N. B. Not every revelation requires a sensible miracle as the credential; but every revelation of a new series of 'credenda'.

'Where, then, are your credentials, and what is your message?' 'My uniform is my credential, and my message is for your private ear.'

"I won't use it except as a credential.

It was merely an informal mass convention; but many of the delegates were men of national character, each of whose names was itself a sufficient credential.

Like every one else, from the proudest nobleman to the boy in wooden shoes, we were given a laissez-passer, which gave us permission to go anywhere; this with a passport was our only credential.

The hunting-page, after procuring as a credential a paper written by the Elector's own hand, did immediately set out with several men, and by not sparing the horses' wind he had the good luck to overtake Kohlhaas in a village on the border, where with his five children and the Knight of Malzahn he was eating dinner in the open air before the door of a house.

Looking into her eyes, into the transparent soul behind them they could ask no other credential for the name she bore and the lavender she wore for the husband of whom she never spoke.

"But I cannot examine your credentials, nor can we negotiate matters of such importance in so off-hand a manner.

ACCREDIT, CREDIT.'To accredit means 'to invest with credit or authority,' or 'to send with letters credential;' to credit means 'to believe,' or "to put to the credit of.

237 examples of  credential  in sentences