386 examples of creeper in sentences

Come and see that lovely creeper I told you of; and when you have admired it hanging from the decayed trunk of the old tree that supports it, you shall help me to remove it to your bower, where it will be the fairest flower that grows, except the little fairy queen herself.' Henrich caught his sister's hand, and kissing her playfully, attempted to draw her from the bower.

Bring your basket, and you shall gather moss while I dig up my creeper.

"I done t'ink de whole bunch hab guns; least-way dat was my 'pression at de time dat creeper done trip me up.

So Mr. Feist was shut up in a pleasant room provided with double doors and two strongly barred windows that overlooked a pretty garden, beyond which there was a high brick wall half covered by a bright creeper, then just beginning to flower.

Logotheti was too wise to watch his intended victim, and leaned back in a careless attitude, gazing out of the window at the bright creeper on the opposite wall.

plant; tree, shrub, bush; creeper; herb, herbage; grass.

Vines, thinly covered with fresh leaves, straggle over the walls,Virginia creeper, poison ivy, grapevine, and at least one other, the name of which I do not know.

I took a kind of foolish satisfaction, too, in the obvious fact that certain plantsthe sumach and the Virginia creeper, to mention no otherswere less at home here than a thousand miles farther north.

Their plumage is of the neatest and most exquisite; few, even among warblers, surpass them in that regard: black and white (reminding one of the black-and-white creeper, which they resemble also in their feeding habits), with a splendid yellow gorget.

In the pine lands were plenty of brown-headed nuthatches, full, as always, of friendly gossip; two red-shouldered hawks, for whom life seemed to wear a more serious aspect; three Maryland yellow throats; a pair of bluebirds, rare enough now to be twice welcome; a black-and-white creeper, and a yellow redpoll warbler.

The heavy green foliage came out to meet them, dropped over them like a veil, and left us staring at the riotous creeper masses with the brilliant flower eyes that appeared to be watching The Waif.

Springing out hastily I made a dash across the white strip of sand, and dived into the moist creeper growth.

Every creeper became a whip wielded by a mocking phantom, and I am forced to confess that I have a vivid recollection of crying to heaven for pardon for my criminal negligence.

Looking closely at the trees and flowers, the bits of lawn and terrace, the rose-garden and corner of the house where the flaming creeper hung so thickly, I discovered nothing of the odious, unpure thing her color and grouping had unconsciously revealed.

Up the white walls of the houses clambered a deal of Virginia creeper, brought on by the rain, and now almost scarlet in the strong sunlight.

But what shall I say of the great spreading walnut whose branches hang right across the stream in our garden in the Cotswold Valley? About the middle of May the walnut leaves resemble nothing so much as a mass of Virginia creeper when it is at its best in September.

Then what could look prettier against the white carved stone than the russet and gold leaves of the Virginia creeper?

"So one kind of cypress is," replied his governess"the blossom of an airy-looking and beautiful creeper; but the name also belongs to a family of trees.

By means of a long and tough stem of a creeper, I pulled him up safely; then using it again as a rope, with a cup made from the hollow stem of a bamboo, I drew water for the poor child, who was half dead with thirst; and finding that he was suffering from hunger also, I knocked down some nuts from the top of a high tree with a well-aimed blow of a stone.

Then she being caused to have a glancing look like that of Kandarpa when first descended to earth, corresponding therewith having her gracefully-curved creeper eyebrows sportively playing; with the network of the rays of light of her lips oscillated by the waves of the wind of her breath, like twigs moved in sport, as if beating off the bees eager to catch the perfume of heir lotus-face.

Other detailsthe tree clasped by a flowering creeper, the peacock perched in its branchessuggest the cowgirls' growing love.

The image of tree and creeper was a common symbol in poetry for the lover embraced by his beloved and peacocks, thirsting for rain, were evocative of desire.

Hemans calls it 'a lovely cottage-like building'[037])is almost hidden in a rich profusion of roses and ivy and jessamine and virginia-creeper.

The convolvulus growing too luxuriantly and encroaching too much upon the space devoted to a creeper of another kind, I separated its upper branches from the root and left them to die.

I should mention that this happened in the rainy season and that the upper part of the creeper was partially protected from the sun.

386 examples of  creeper  in sentences