79 examples of creepiest in sentences

Inside the house, someone was playing an unpleasant sort of air on the pianoan air which was quite needlessly creepy and haunting and insistent.

"It was the creepiest place I have ever been in, and I was never gladder in my life than when we left it for the more cheerful lower floorthough goodness knows that was dreary enough.

What else could she have meant?" "Well! delirium is a queer thing; makes a fellow feel creepy all over.

It was so creepy that half-way up he hesitated, and, in a stern but trembling voice, demanded to know what his wife meant by it.

It was so creepy that half-way up he hesitated, and, in a stern but trembling voice, demanded to know what his wife meant by it.

The jaws come up, wi' eerie bark; Cryin' I'm creepy, cauld, an' green; Come doon, come doon, he's lyin' stark, Come doon an' steek his glowerin' een.

they haud their weary roar, An' slide awa', an' I grow sleepy: Or lang, they're up aboot my door, Yowlin', I'm cauld, an' weet, an' creepy!

There are the usual "goose-flesh" accompaniments of haunted rooms, secret doors, sliding panels, mysterious figures behind old pictures, and a subterranean passage leading to a vault, dark and creepy as a tomb.

"This place is qutie creepy enough without your remembering that.

Him and a pal named Silas Winch went several v'y'ges together, and their talk used to be that creepy that some o' the chaps was a'most afraid to be left on deck alone of a night.

The blood-red sun slipped hurriedly toward the basalt barriers that encircled the valley, and as I glanced at the cliffs the picture of the creepy ledge, that was our only way back to the outer world, was continually in my mind.

'Oh, nothing worth speaking ofsixteen or seventeen pounds, at most.' Lesbia felt cold and creepy, and hardly knew whether it was the chill of new-born day, or the sense of owing money to Horace Smithson.

Of the others who came to see Jenny, I shall not speak,the vulgar sight-seers, the creepy old women, connoisseurs in beautiful death, for whom a neighbour's funeral was like an invitation to the grand opera, but on whom perhaps one should not be too severe, for even such coarse sensitiveness to a mystery is the crude beginning of the poetic.

I don't believe I like this room, it's so big and creepy.

"It's a bit creepy, all alone.

It was a little bit creepy all alone on the wharf that night.

I could pity, but there was something actually creepy about her.

"I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen," said the marine, looking from one to the other of the party, "that things now began to feel creepy.

The very remembrance of it gives me a creepy sensation.

It makes me feel positively creepy."

"It sounds rather creepy, doesn't it?

They're not so creepy as they sound, I believe, and I don't think they'll keep you awake.

I feel creepy all over.

It made me creepy and cold, yet I was amused.

"It's getting so jolly creepy," Bohun said.

79 examples of  creepiest  in sentences