4 examples of cribo in sentences

Strangely enough, this snake, so fatal to man, has no power against another West Indian snake, almost equally common, namely, the Cribo.

It was but last year, I think, that the population of Carenage turned out to see a fight in a tree between a Cribo and a Fer-de-lance, of about equal size, which, after a two hours' struggle, ended in the Cribo swallowing the Fer-de-lance, head foremost.

It was but last year, I think, that the population of Carenage turned out to see a fight in a tree between a Cribo and a Fer-de-lance, of about equal size, which, after a two hours' struggle, ended in the Cribo swallowing the Fer-de-lance, head foremost.

But when he had got his adversary about one-third down, the Creolesjust as so many Englishmen would have doneseeing that all the sport was over, rewarded the brave Cribo by killing both, and preserving them as a curiosity in spirits.

4 examples of  cribo  in sentences