12 examples of crimen in sentences

Of public crimes the crimen laesae majestatis, or treason, was regarded as the greatest; and this was punished with death and with confiscation of goods, while the memory of the offender was declared infamous.

[Horace]; falsi crimen [Lat.]; fraus est celare fraudem [Lat.]; lupus in fabula [Lat.]; so smooth, he daubed his vice with show of virtue

But if thou resist and go about vim vi repellere, as the custom of the world is, to right thyself, or hast given just cause of offence, 'tis no injury then but a condign punishment; thou hast deserved as much: A te principium, in te recredit crimen quod a te fuit; peccasti, quiesce, as Ambrose expostulates with Cain, lib. 3. de Abel et Cain.

Nec dulces amores sperne puer, neque tu choreas; these men are too distrustful and much to blame, to use such speeches, Parcite paucorum diffundere, crimen in omnes.

Hominicidium quum committunt singuli, crimen est, quum publice geritur, virtus vocatur.

BY BECQUER DESDE MI CELDA (Cartas Literarias) CARTA SEXTA Queridos amigos: Hará cosa de dos à tres años, tal vez leerían ustedes en los periódicos de Zaragoza la relación de un crimen que tuvo lugar en uno de los pueblecillos de estos contornos.

Haz lo que quieras, pero ten presente que hay un Dios que castiga y perdona, y que si muero á tus manos borrará mis culpas del libro de su indignación, para escribir tu nombre y hacerte expiar tu crimen.

crimen, m., crime.

Or the example mentioned by Scaevola in Dig., 41, 9, 3: Duae filiae intestato patri heres exstiterunt, etc. Callistratus in Dig., 48, 19, 26: crimen vel poena paterna nullam maculam filio infligere potest.

'Heu quam difficile est crimen non prodere vultu!' Ovid.

But it is well to observe that the word discrimination is not derived from crimen (crime), but from discernere (to discern).

"Some think it so called," writes the author of a learned treatise on its jurisdiction, before cited, "of Crimen Stellionatus, because it handleth such things and cases as are strange and unusual: some of Stallen.

12 examples of  crimen  in sentences