812 examples of criticise in sentences

Sometimes I was induced, through the Brahmin, to criticise their taste and skill, having been always an admirer of simplicity in female attire.

I do not find anything in it which I can criticise.

So, in spite of the high hopes and feverish unrest for the forward movement, there was a good deal of sober foreboding among the men, who held to the American right to criticise as the Briton maintains his right to grumble.

In doing this, I will not endeavour to explain that opinion, to criticise it, nor to defend it.

The transformation was complete, and Uncle John had suddenly become an eminently respectable old gentleman, with very little to criticise in his appearance.

It was not his business to criticise his employers.

The master would criticise the speeches and, when the students had finished, would himself deliver a speech which was supposed to outshine those of his pupils and give promise of what he could teach them.

" "And is it only those who have not travelled, and who have no means of knowing the value of what they say, that are privileged to criticise?"

But seven ropes in a ship?I should have said there are seven hundred!" "I dare say, I dare say; that is just the way in which a landsman pretends to criticise a vessel.

Amidst a cloudy confusion of words, (which hath of late too often passed in Scotland for Metaphysicks,) he thus ventures to criticise one of the noblest lines in our language:'Dr.

376), 'it would divert me, that it seems to criticise Gray, but really laughs at Johnson.

I think we never have had more to suffer than in some of the meetings we have attended, from a disposition, perhaps in some degree on both sides, to criticise ministry: still there are, I believe, many precious individuals among the young and middle-aged who are under the forming hand for usefulness.

How completely an ordinary mind is paralyzed by that early preparation in metaphysics is seen in the most vivid way and on its most ridiculous side, where such a one undertakes to criticise the doctrines of an alien creed.

The present manners of the nation would deride authority, and, therefore, nothing is left, but that every writer should criticise himself."

" "That was not well expressed," said my wife, "but we will not criticise words at present.

They criticise every thing, analyse every thing, argue upon every thing, dogmatise upon every thing; and the bundle of your habits, feelings, humours, follies and pursuits is regarded by them

There are, I am told, who sharply criticise, 142.

I shall strive therefore to meet your wishes to the fullest extent, and I feel sure that you will not criticise too closely my command of words or conception of the subject, but will, out of your kindness of heart, make up whatever is lacking in that respect.

For men of sense have no natural inclination to dwell upon palpable offences against taste and scholarship; nor can they be easily persuaded to approve the course of an author who makes it his business to criticise petty productions.

The Marxist criticise of literature.

He would rather grumble at it, unless, perchance, it was a gift; and even then would criticise it behind the donor's back, holding the quart cup aslant so as to see the bottom in one place, and get a better view of the liquor.

Jefferson, who never understood anything about warfare, being a timid man, and who belonged to the visionary school which always denounced the army and navy, was given a legitimate excuse to criticise the tactics of the regulars; [Footnote: Draper MSS., G. R. Clark Papers.

I don't want men to attack things or to criticise things, but just to speak plainly about what is beautiful and wholesome and true.

Then he also said that he would ask us, from time to time, what we were doinghear it read, and criticise it; and that one of the most definite conditions of our remaining was that he must be satisfied that we really were at work.

They did not hesitate to criticise freely the sacred books.

812 examples of  criticise  in sentences