6 examples of crow's-feet in sentences

She thrust her face close to the glass to see whether some long-remembered wrinkle or crow's-foot had indeed vanished.

You have a muscle or two which you have no command of, between your cheek-bone and your lips, that should carry one corner of your mouth up towards your crow's-foot, and that down to meet it.

The Blanc de Fedora had been a brilliant success for the first two hours: after that the warm room began to tell upon it, and there came a greasiness, then a streakiness, and now all that was left of an alabaster skin was a livid patch of purplish paint here and there, upon a crow's-foot ground.

" On the cricket pitch, a bare hundred yards away from the river bank, is a plentiful crop of dandelions, crow's-foot, clover, and, worst of all, enormous plantains.

She thrust her face close to the glass, to see whether some long-remembered wrinkle or crow's-foot had indeed vanished.

And the crow's-foot,pes anserinus, rather.

6 examples of  crow's-feet  in sentences