6053 examples of cruelest in sentences

But in the hour of his triumph he fell, by treachery, into the hands of his cruelest enemy, how it mattereth not, and for a space was lost to sight and memory.

An immeasurable barrier had arisen between him and his old fathera hideous thing of blood, of years, of ineradicable difference; the broad acres of wheatland so dear to him were to be taken from him; love had overcome him with headlong rush, a love that could never be returned; and cruelest of all, there was the war calling him to give up his home, his father, his future, and to go out to kill and to be killed.

The same execrable tyranny drove the younger part of us from the fires, when our feet were perishing with snow; and, under the cruelest penalties, forbad the indulgence of a drink of water, when we lay in sleepless summer nights, fevered with the season, and the day's sports.

'It is the cruelest of fates,' she says, 'for a woman to be forced to have a man whom her heart despises.

In this shape, however, it gets its cruelest dominion over strong and generous and tender people.

I have endured in knowing what a dupe I have been to one of the cruelest of men.

Yes, Suspicion;the cruelest visitation, the worst evil spirit and pest that ever haunted with its poisonous whisper the mind of human being.

No man complains so much of want, to avoid a subsidy; no man is so importunate in begging, so cruel in exaction; and when he most complains of want, he fears that which he complains to have.

Strange that the son of such parents should have been one of the vilest, cruelest, and foulest of the human race.

" "It is the cruelest blow of all," said Perrotin, "to lose at our age, such a friend as your poor boy was to you ...

At last, driven to the cruelest extremes, he cut off her breasts, and threw her into prison.

Sentimentality, March had quoted Mary as saying, was the cruelest thing in the world.

As this effect soon followed the cause, the cruelest measures were adopted, in order to make the most of the poor wretches labour; and in the minds of the masters such an idea was excited of inferiority, in the nature of these their unhappy fellow creatures, that they soon esteemed and treated them as beasts of burden: pretending to doubt, and some of them even presuming to deny, that the efficacy of the death of Christ extended to them.

If you, my brethren, will stand by me faithfully, we shall easily repulse the strongest efforts the cruelest enemy can make against me and these kingdoms.

"And therefor I would rather see the cruelest usurper than the mildest despot.

These actions are no index of love, for they "may coexist with the cruelest treatment" of the coveted woman.

It was not only a blow of the keenest and cruelest kind to her affections, but it was the cruelest blow her vanity could have possibly received.

It was not only a blow of the keenest and cruelest kind to her affections, but it was the cruelest blow her vanity could have possibly received.

"I would take it, and glory in it," said the duchess, firmly "If I were wounded, insulted, and slighted as Claude was, I would take the cruelest revenge that I could.

Therefore upon our shores broke wave after wave of invasion, storm after storm of cruelest oppression and degradation.

In November, honed by the interim of training to even a new leanness, and sailing orders heavy and light in his heart, Lieutenant Kantor, on two day's home-leave, took leave of his home, which can be cruelest when it is tenderest.

And I call any war glorious that is for the liberation of people who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression.

The cruelest awakening she will face is the attitude of the Orient toward the innocent offspring in whose veins runs the blood of two races, separated by differences which never have been and never will be overcome.

According to KempGay was one of the meanest plantation owners in the entire section, and frequently voiced his pride in being able to employ the cruelest overseers that could be found in all Mississippi.

This silence and this mutual ignorance are the cruelest things in the world.

6053 examples of  cruelest  in sentences