156 examples of crueller in sentences

All this is cruel, I fear you will think, but it would be crueller for me to encourage a love that, under present circumstances, would bring misery to both of us.

But these changes did not, in effect, make war crueller or more deadly.

He had yet to learn that love can be crueller than any friendship, than any indifference, than any hate: nothing is so exacting, so inexorable, as love.

420 To whom shall I my evill case complaine, Or tell the anguish of my inward smart, Sith none is left to remedie my paine, Or deignes to pitie a perplexed hart; But rather seekes my sorrow to augment 425 With fowle reproach, and cruell banishment?

O! who can lead then a more happie life Than he, that with cleane minde and heart sincere, No greedy riches knowes nor bloudie strife, No deadly fight of warlick fleete doth feare, Ne runs in perill of foes cruell knife, 125 That in the sacred temples he may reare A trophee of his glittering spoyles and treasure, Or may abound in riches above measure.

Soone as he them plac'd in thy sacred wood, O Delian goddesse, saw, to which of yore 170 Came the bad daughter of old Cadmus brood, Cruell Agavè, flying vengeance sore Of King Nictileus for the guiltie blood Which she with cursed hands had shed before; There she halfe frantick, having slaine her sonne, 175 Did shrowd her selfe like punishment to shonne.

Seest thou not how all places quake and quiver, 340 Lightned with deadly lamps on everie post? Tisiphone each where doth shake and shiver Her flaming fire-brond, encountring me, Whose lockes uncombed cruell adders be.

"She, ladie, having well before approoved 465 The feends to be too cruell and severe, Observ'd th'appointed way, as her behooved, Ne ever did her eysight turne arere, Ne ever spake, ne cause of speaking mooved; But, cruell Orpheus, thou much crueller, 470 Seeking to kisse her, brok'st the gods decree, And thereby mad'st her ever damn'd to be.

"She, ladie, having well before approoved 465 The feends to be too cruell and severe, Observ'd th'appointed way, as her behooved, Ne ever did her eysight turne arere, Ne ever spake, ne cause of speaking mooved; But, cruell Orpheus, thou much crueller, 470 Seeking to kisse her, brok'st the gods decree, And thereby mad'st her ever damn'd to be.

"She, ladie, having well before approoved 465 The feends to be too cruell and severe, Observ'd th'appointed way, as her behooved, Ne ever did her eysight turne arere, Ne ever spake, ne cause of speaking mooved; But, cruell Orpheus, thou much crueller, 470 Seeking to kisse her, brok'st the gods decree, And thereby mad'st her ever damn'd to be.

"Me therefore thus the cruell fiends of hell, 625 Girt with long snakes and thousand yron chaynes, Through doome of that their cruell iudge compell, With bitter torture and impatient paines, Cause of my death and iust complaint to tell.

"Me therefore thus the cruell fiends of hell, 625 Girt with long snakes and thousand yron chaynes, Through doome of that their cruell iudge compell, With bitter torture and impatient paines, Cause of my death and iust complaint to tell.

That for disdaine of sinfull worlds upbraide Fled back to heaven, whence she was first conceived, Into her silver bowre the Sunne received; And the hot Syrian Dog on him awayting, 5 After the chafed Lyons cruell bayting, Corrupted had th'ayre with his noysome breath.

I must be cruell, onely to be kinde; Thus bad begins, and worse remaines behinde.

Then she told us of new crueller devices intended against the Friends, and, indeed, against all Nonconforming folks.

The poem begins thus: "A gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine, Ycladd in mightie armes and silver shielde, Wherein old dints of deepe woundes did remaine, The cruell markes of many' a bloody fielde; Yet armes till that time did he never wield.

Enough of this crueller part of his genius has been exhibited; but it is seldom you can have the genius without sadness.

For our childrenO my friends, we cannot do a crueller thing by them than to let them see that we are inconsistent.

They did not persecute the new master or his white wife; they did a subtler, crueller thing: they ignored them.

we thought the struggle over, and it was only beginning; we thought our hero victorious, and a fiercer, crueller fight lay in front.

Then their pursuer must take e'en greater risks and make crueller marches that the Law may be upheld.

Gob. How Sir, have I preserv'd you from a child, from all the arrows, malice, or ambition could shoot at you, and have I this for my pay? Arb. 'Tis true, thou didst preserve me, and in that wert crueller than hardned murtherers of infants and their Mothers!

Have I preserv'd you from a childe, From all the arrowes, malice or ambition Could shoot at you, and have I this for pay? Arb. Tis true thou didst preserve me, and in that Wert crueller then hardned murderers Of infants and their mothers; thou didst save me Onely till thou hadst studdied out a way How to destroy me cunningly thy selfe: This was a curious way of torturing.

Crueller end," says Carlyle, "had no mortal.

The Revolution had failed and it had raised up, as will always happen, a military power, harder, crueller, and more resolute than that it had overthrown.

156 examples of  crueller  in sentences