5 examples of crutched in sentences

His figure was shrunken and bent, and he sat with his chin resting on the handle of a crutched stick, and his head leaning forward.

[I must say, however, that in some five instances there will occur sentences rather crutched by my own guess-work; and in two instances the characters were so impossibly mystical, that I had to abandon the passage with a head-ache.

This quarrel between the baronet and the poet, who was suspected of having crutched-up many of his lame performances, furnished food for lampoon and amusement to the indolent wits of the day.

St. Olave's, Crutched Friars.

What caused Anna to start and glance behind she did not know; but doing so she stared an instant breathless and then, as she clutched Miranda for support, moaned to the tall, wasted, sadly smiling, crutched figure that moved closer "Oh, Hilary!

5 examples of  crutched  in sentences