193 examples of cultivator in sentences

Some seed must be saved for next year, and an average poor ryot, the cultivator of but a little holding, very soon sees the result of his harvesting melt away, leaving little for wife and little ones to live on.

They have their 'high days and holidays,' feasts, processions, and entertainments; but on the whole the average ryot or small cultivator has a hard life.

When the seed has been threshed out and cleaned, it is weighed, and the ryot or cultivator gets four rupees for every maunda maund being eighty pounds avoirdupois.

The bullock being indispensable to the Indian cultivator, bull calves are prized, taken care of, well nurtured, and well fed.

Or sometimes it is only a quit-rent, which the intellectual cultivator, who farms an idea, pays to the original proprietor; or rather,"(seeing that he was not making the matter more intelligible by his explanation,)"or rather, it is when we convey our own thoughts by the means of the more perfect expressions of some favourite author.

The inroads of the first, however, were of use in more ways than one, since they taught our young cultivator a process by which he could get his garden turned up at a cheap rate.

"Boston Cultivator, Vol.

He was hut builder, hunter, cultivator, bow-maker, arrow-maker, trapper, fisherman, boat-builder, leather-dresser, tailor, fightera wonderfully versatile and self-sufficient person.

The portion of the common set aside for agriculture was divided into strips of one arpent in front by forty in depth, and one or more allotted to each inhabitant according to his skill and industry as a cultivator.

Feudal land tenure never was, and never pretended to be, a contract between cultivator and landowner for their mutual benefit.

In other words, the head of the Norman army invited his officers to help themselves to a share of the cattle and crops over certain districts of England, and promised to aid them in securing their plunder, in case the Saxon cultivator was rash enough to resist.

But there was no such surcease for the Saxon cultivator.

But there was no Runnymead for the Saxon cultivator.

This alien was empowered, and by the force of public opinion incited, to exact the greatest possible share of the tiller's produce, and, as we saw, he was entitled to the whole benefit of whatever improvements the tiller of the soil had made; and couldand constantly didexpel the cultivator who was unable or unwilling to pay a higher tax, as the penalty for improving the land.

It may be said that bad as this all was, it was not without a remedy; that the cultivator had the choice of other occupations, and might let the land lie fallow, while its "owner" starved.

There was practically no alternative before the cultivator.

The result was this: it ceased to be the interest of the cultivator of the land to till it effectively, or to make any improvement whatever, whether by drainage, reclaiming waste land, or building, or by adopting better agricultural methods.

These new laws at last guaranteed to the cultivator the fruit of his toil, and guarded him against arbitrary increase of the tax levied on him by the "owner" of the land.

But they did not stop here; they initiated a principle which will finally make the cultivator absolute owner of his land, and abolish the feudal class with their rights of private taxation.

The assessment of these patches can be no light piece of workjust the thing, in fact, that would give employment to a large number of small and variegated Government officials, any one of whom, assuming that he was of an Oriental cast of mind, might make the cultivator's life interesting.

Still, by the look of those terraced fields, where the water is led so cunningly from level to level, the Japanese cultivator must enjoy at least one excitement.

4.25 2.00 Am. Cultivator, Boston, (new 1.75) .....

............................. m .80 1.00 California Cultivator, Los Angeles ............. .75 2.00 California Fruit Grower, San Fran.

w .50 2.00 Southern Churchmen, Richmond ..................w 1.80 1.00 Southern Cultivator, Atlanta ......... s-m Agri.

Tests were made upon the following materials: hickory buggy spokes (see Fig. 5); hickory and red oak buggy shafts; wagon tongues; Douglas fir and southern pine cultivator poles.

193 examples of  cultivator  in sentences