5 examples of cundinamarca in sentences

From that island he went to Carthagena, where he obtained the command of a small force, with which he proceeded up the Magdalena, and having beaten parties of the royalist troops at various points on that river, he continued his march from Ocana to Cucutá, and solicited assistance from the government of Cundinamarca.

His division dispersed, and fled to Cundinamarca.

H. Ternaux-Compans, Essai sur l'ancien Cundinamarca (Paris, N.D.), p. 56; Theodor Waitz, Anthropologie der Naturvölker iv. (Leipsic, 1864)

82 sq. H. Ternaux-Compans, Essai sur l'ancien Cundinamarca (Paris, N.D.), p. 18.

The man may have been a Peruvian or of the civilised plateau people of Cundinamarca.

5 examples of  cundinamarca  in sentences