26 examples of cupbearer in sentences

THE CUPBEARER The minister Photinius had fallen, to the joy of Constantinople.

" "What was the impediment?" "The perverse opposition of the cupbearer.

" Humbled and ashamed, Photinius nevertheless wisely stooped to avow his nescience, and flattering his rival on his superior penetration, led him to divulge the State secret that the handsome cupbearer Helladius was but the disguise of the lovely Helladia, the object of Basil's tenderest affection, and whose romantic attachment to his person had already frustrated more conspiracies than the aged plotter could reckon up.

It was the cupbearer Helladius.

"The good graces of an Imperial cupbearer are always important, and I would have bought those of Helladius with a myriad of bezants.

His cupbearer gave him water, laced with venom, from the spring.

Bedevere, the king's cupbearer and very privy counsellor, received that fief of Normandy, which aforetime was called Neustria.

Bedevere, the king's cupbearer, himself set Arthur's cup upon the board; and those called him master who saw that Arthur's servants lacked not drink.

When Arthur heard these lamentable tidings he called to him Kay the seneschal and Bedevere his cupbearer, for he would open his counsel to no other man.

He commanded Bedevere, his cupbearer, to strike off the giant's head, and deliver it to the squires, that they might bear it to the host, for the greater marvel.

A little space after came Richier, the earl, and Bedevere, the king's cupbearer.

Of one, Kay the sewer and Bedevere the cupbearer were the captains.

Ah, God, but Arthur had men for his seneschal and cupbearer.


In the following year Gilianez again sailed for the coast of Africa, accompanied by Alphonzo Gonzales Baldaya, cupbearer to the prince.

Once, when he was entertaining Augustus, the cupbearer shattered a crystal goblet, and without respect to the guest he ordered that the fellow be thrown to the eels.

"] COLUMN IV 1 The noble cupbearer of Hea, the scribe of Merodach (am) I. 2 Like fire have I blazed (and) I rejoice; 3 (like) fire have I burned (and) I grow; 4 the corn I purify and make heavy.

Walter of Varila, } Rudolf the Cupbearer, } Leutolf of Erlstetten, } Hartwig of Erba, } Vassals of Lewis.

What shall I say to the Counts, Varila, and the Cupbearer, and all the noble knights who will hazard their lands and lives in trying to right you with that traitor?

We name our champions Rudolf, the Cupbearer, Leutolf of Erlstetten, Hartwig of Erba, and our loved Count Walter, Our knights and vassals, sojourners among you.

At last they part, at the exhortations of Rudolph the Cupbearer.

Now I was cupbearer to the king.

At this moment a cupbearer appeared with a flask [of wine] and a crystal cup, and delicious meats of various kinds were served up.

"You might, to all appearance, be Lucifer's own cupbearer.

In answer to the emperor's bantering questions, he declared that he was his mother's cupbearer, her page, and her gallant knight, which answers so amused Charlemagne that he sent for her.

26 examples of  cupbearer  in sentences