8621 examples of cupped in sentences

Now she faced Donnegan, screening the light from her eyes with a cupped hand and by the same device focusing it upon the face of Donnegan.

He cupped his hands and sent his voice toward where two men in a vehicle had halted their horses and were looking anxiously up.

People in wagons and buggies, or on foot, drawn out along the roadside, cupped hands to lips and yelled startled inquiries.

You reckless creature!" He cupped his hands about her beautiful, fair face and lifted it, studying it.

But when we stood idle, while Sam went aft for instructions, I had recovered sufficient nerve to turn my eyes in that direction, only to observe that the young woman sat with head turned away, gazing out over the rail at the shore, her chin cupped in her hands, her thoughts apparently far away.

She rested against the gunwale, her eyes on the dark vista of sea, her chin cupped in her hand.

He cupped his hands over his mouth and bellowed through the doorway, "Hey!" There was a startled grunt within, a deep, heavy voice and a thick articulation.

These, a long man and a short man, stood at the bar, their backs to the window and their hands cupped lovingly round glasses of refreshment.

It was hung upon a nail, had a semi- circular, half viperish look, and was cupped at each end as if intended for some curious business of incision or absorption.

" He put his mug on the table and, ignoring the stillness of the summer air, sheltered the flame of a match between his cupped hands and conveyed it with infinite care to the bowl of his pipe.

He leaned on the windowsill, his elbows spread, his chin cupped in his hands, his Indian blankness of countenance enlivened by the glow of his eyes, as jewels enliven dull brown velvet.

" She slipped into a chair and sat cross-legged in it, her elbows on her knees and her chin cupped in both her hands.

The cook stared at her in such astonishment that he allowed a quantity of dough to fall from the dish cupped in the hollow of his arm; it overflowed the griddle-iron.

He cupped his hands at his mouth and began to bark orders.

Our bayonets only cupped and scored the patient, our war-measures in and out of Congress only worked dynamically against other war-measures far more dogged and desperate than our own.

He could not read the expression of the eyes behind the square-cupped snow spectacles.

The physicians were sent for, came, wondered, speculated, administered medicine, blistered the calves of the legs, and cupped the back of the neck, but to no purpose.

Jack borrowed a match, cupped his fingers around his lips that wanted to part in a smile, and lighted his before-breakfast cigarettethough the sun hung almost straight overhead.

Could you tell me about where it would be from here?" Charming Billy's cupped hands hid his mouth, but his eyes laughed.

He pressed a button at the base of it, waited a moment and as the question came, "Number, please?" spoke the desired number into the cupped hand and ear of the bronze.

He cupped the receiver at his ear.

The sand on the dune was cupped with innumerable prints of feet in rude babooshes (native shoes), and empty cartridges lay all about.

But as the cupped hand of night, closing over the earth, had also shut away the wind, the air-liner was now resting more easily.

the Master flung at him, shielding mouth and eyes with cupped hands.

601 - alba White Oak c.m. 602 - aegilops Large prickly-cupped ditto l. 603 - Cerris Turkey Oak c.m.

8621 examples of  cupped  in sentences