201 examples of curios in sentences

These rooms are still in the same condition as when Her Majesty died; they are very fine rooms, and contain a vast number of curios of every description.

In his rooms over the store, where few were ever invited, he had a fine library of unusual books and a rare collection of curios gathered from foreign lands.

Instead of which, I am merely a dealer in curios.

How naïvely he had confessed his thought that he would have made a great detectiveor a great criminal; and here he was only a dealer in curios.

The windows and the shelves were full of dusty old books and magazines, trumpery curios and cheap china, second-hand furniture and a collection of miscellaneous odds and ends.

They seem to be idols and weapons and curios of all sorts done up in old sacking.

"As far as I can see, they are not very different from any other South American curios.

He rose and walked to a small rosewood cabinet of curios.

He realized that he was not searching for this symbolism with a poet's appreciation, nor as an archaeologist delighting in curios, but as a son of the Republicto gather her history and her purpose, to make himself one with her, to put himself under her yokeand in his heart he rebelled.

I have no curios to dispose of; my uncle's cabinet is bare to the wainscot; even were it still intact, I have done well on the Stock Exchange, and should more likely add to it than otherwise, and my errand to-day is simplicity itself.

And then there are several rich men we happen to know, who keep a little fortune about the house, in the way of money, jewelry, or curios.

It is really a fine thing, like an English parknumberless buildings with handsome rooms, and filled with Chinese curios, and handsome clocks, bronzes, &c.

They had to sacrifice a lot of valuable stores, personal effects, and a valuable collection of native curios, all chiefly on account of the shortness of water.

The village street was lined on both sides with open booths, some piled with fruit and vegetables, others, oddly enough, with lamps and mirrors and other cheap rubbish which bore the legend "Made in Germany," others with all sorts of curios.

They crowded round, trying to sell us curios and lumps of rough turquoise.

Here, then, is the straight way James desiderated, a critical philosophy which goes, not 'through' the complexities of Kantism, but leaves them on one side as superfluous 'curios.'

The great hall, with its splendid timber roof, and the gallery, with a fine collection of pictures and curios, are two striking features.

Father Bernard has all sorts of native curios there that I should like to see, and the day is right for a drive.

At the first sound of his return Brown had wheeled and was found standing before a cabinet, in which behind glass doors was kept a choice collection of curios from all parts of the world.

" The captain assented, and told of a steward of his who had made a small fortune by selling Japanese curios to people who didn't understand them.

I have no curios to dispose of; my uncle's cabinet is bare to the wainscot; even were it still intact, I have done well on the Stock Exchange, and should more likely add to it than otherwise, and my errand to-day is simplicity itself.

"Harry turned his attention to Dicky, and the girl picked up a stiletto, which Harry uses for a paper cutteryou know he has the house filled with all sorts of curios from all over the worldand drove it into her left breast.

Their imagination could not but be much excited by the sight of what the doctor describes as "infinite quantities" of bones of human creatures, who, they took for granted, had been devoured, and of skulls hanging on the walls by way of receptacles for curios.

We were lying at Savo, having run in to trade for curios.

Which of these words are in good use? Pianist, harpist, poloist, violinist, phiz, ad, co-ed, curios, exam, cab, chum, gent, hack, gym, pants, mob, phone, proxy, photo, prelim, van, prof, varsity.

201 examples of  curios  in sentences