2912 examples of curling in sentences

" The young doctor surveyed him with curling lip.

He turned again to the fire, which glowed with blue and purple lights behind the windows of isinglass, curling and flaming and twisting, with fascinating brilliance.

Impulsively he drew her to him, and for a moment buried his face in her warm, white neck, kissing the curling strands of her brown hair.

There was a strange look in Elizabeth's face as she watched the curling flames.

The smoke of the traders' camp-fire was curling up and drifting away into thin veils of film before the sun showed over the horizon hills.

The Joys of Home Curling smoke from a chimney low, And only a few more steps to go, Faces pressed at a window pane Watching for someone to come again, And I am the someone they wait to see These are the joys life gives to me.

The stream ran around two sides of the place, the waters curling gracefully around a bend which had been laid out in a little pleasure park.

' He said nothing, but for some time he squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest, curling up the ends of his little yellow moustache.

She was dressed in a black velvet cloak with white lace at the neck and sleeves, and she wore a black hat with a curling white feather.

It was simply a fact about Ida May, as were her sloe eyes and curling black hair.

A little further on I saw the barrels of the rifles sticking out of the windows, with little wreaths of smoke curling out of them; small knots of armed men every now and then marched hurriedly across the avenue, and disappeared into the opposite houses.

" He was gone, a sinister sneer still curling his lip.

He wore a light soft hat, which well suited his somewhat curling brown hair.

The tall figure swept off his helmet and made Ann such a low bow that his fair curling locks brushed the ground, fluttering like yellow plumes about his ruddy face.

Approaching Lindisfarne, "Our isle of Saints, low-lying on the blue breast of the curling waters, is hushed and silent in the lightly-purple mists of morning, like the wide aisles of a great cathedral at daybreak, before the feet and tongues of sightseers disturb the solemn stillness.

And with that, she settled herself down on the floor, with all her little ruffles and flounces and billows of muslin heaping and curling themselves about her, till her pretty head and shoulders were like a new and charming sort of floating-island in the midst.

His form, though slight,exactly the Napoleonic size,was very compact and commanding; the head statuesquely poised, and crowned with a luxuriance of curling black hair; a hazel eye, bright, though serene, the eye of a gentleman as well as a soldier; a nose such as you see on Roman medals; a light moustache just shading the lips, that were continually curving into the sunniest smiles.

The descent was tedious and long, notwithstanding the loops that I cut off of the curling road by scrambling down the steep sides of the gorge over the loose stones and lavender.

and she held up her long silken curling tresses and looked at them reflected in the water as she spoke.

It was a pleasant task to her to arrange and smooth that curling hair, and to put on the simple white dress she knew set off her beauty so well.

Unfortunately, the night was so still that not a breath rippled the surface of the river, except as some inquisitive zephyr came curling along the stream, filling us with hope, and then, having satisfied its curiosity, suddenly disappeared, as though in mockery of our distress.

"Friz, to curl; frized, curled; frizing, curling.

No cheery whistling and no wood smoke curling from the chimney and no blithe voice talking to the ponies.

Her tragic black eyes and brows, and the hairs clinging in untidy threads about her haggard cheeks instead of curling up with the damp as the Highlandman's fleece inclined to do, worked an instant's compassion in him.

In one of these they suddenly came upon a young gallant of youthful beauty; a mould of elegance and strength; his countenance was flushed and shaded by curling black hair that fell loose upon his shoulders.

2912 examples of  curling  in sentences