12 examples of cushats in sentences

An' let me seethere's the thorn where the cushats biggit; an' there's the auld birk that I ance fell aff an' left my shoe sticking i' the cleft.

" The offspring nestled to the parent, who gathered her to her bosom, covered her with noiseless kisses, and murmured love over her like a cushat fostering its young.

Many of the Cheviot heights bear most suggestive and interesting names, such as Cushat Law, Kelpie Strand, Earl's Seat, Stot Crags, Deer Play, Wether Lair, Bloodybushedge, Monkside, etc., etc.

[Footnote 7: Cushat = a wood-pigeon.]

It begins life as the Breamish, tumbling down the slopes of Cushat Law within sight of all the giants of the Cheviot range.

but the cushat's wing, where'er I list to flee, And wi' a wish, might wend my way owre hill, and dale, and lea. 'Tis there

Still, there are always the pigeons and the cushats, the wicked magpies and the screaming "jaypies," as the local people call the jays.

Look here, Rachel," he continued, as he laid his hand on a golden locket which lay before him in the shape of a heart, "I have made this to order;" and as he spoke he touched a spring, whereupon a lid opened, and up flew a pair of tiny doves, which, with fluttering wings of gold and azure, immediately saluted each other with their long bills, and piped a few notes in imitation of the cushat.

The cushat stands Amid the topmost boughs, with azure vest, And neck aslant, listening the amorous coo Of her, his mate, who, with maternal wing Wide-spread, sits brooding on opponent tree.

The cushat, as she thrid her way through the wood, continued to croon in her darksome treeand the lark, although just dropped from the cloud, was cheered by her presence into a new passion of song, and mounted over her head, as if it were his first matin hymn.

A cushat I will presently procure and give to her Who loves me: I know where it sits; up in the juniper.

I scorn my maid; for when she took my cushat, she did not Draw with both hands my face to hers and kiss me on the spot.

12 examples of  cushats  in sentences